"Like surrealism, occultism tries to break the domination of rational philosophy and logic, stressed by Descartes. Occultism is based on the belief in a higher reality of certain forms of association through the cabbala, faith in the power of dream- and trance-images, and in the stream of words uncensored by the intellect." - P. R. Koenig, "Ecstatic Creation of Culture" "Hubbard had experienced a peculiar hallucination in 1938, while under nitrous oxide during a dental operation. He believed … [Read more...] about Article: Hubbard and Black Magick: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 2010)
Forrest Ackerman
TV: Secret Lives (1997)
FORREST ACKERMAN - Hubbard's literary agent: "He said that he had died on the operating table, and that he rose in spirit form, and he looked at the body that he had previously inhabited and he shrugged the shoulders he didn't have any more and he thought 'well then, where do we go from here?' Off in the distance he saw a great ornate gate, and he wafted over to it, and the gate, as they do in supernatural films, just opened without any human assistance. He floated through and on the other side … [Read more...] about TV: Secret Lives (1997)
Report: Memorandum of Interview with Samuel Moskowitz (August 30, 1970)
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Founding Church of Scientology MEMORANDUM OF INTERVIEW -- AUGUST 30, 1970 Between Mr. Samuel Moskowitz, 361 Roseville Avenue, Newark New Jersey (Phone No. 201-HU-5-3298) And: Mr. Charles H. Everline, Hearing Officer, CMB, NYK-21 By prior appointment, I visited Mr. Moskowitz at his home to discuss information he reportedly had concerning the early history of Mr. L. Ron Hubbard. Mr. Moskowitz had informed Mr. Bud Loftus that he first heard Mr. Hubbard at a meeting that the only way to make a … [Read more...] about Report: Memorandum of Interview with Samuel Moskowitz (August 30, 1970)
Letter: Hubbard to Forrest Ackerman (1949)
Box 1796 Savanah, Georgia Jan. 13, 1949 Dear 4E: (Proper name should be in capitals) I have been meaning to back up the last note of Sara's but didn't, been powerful busy trying to nail down a stack of copy. Been using an old dictaphone arangement which was on the verge of driving me stark staring.Finally today managed to get my big paws on a new Audiograph setup. They were used by the airforce in planes in the war and transcribe or record in any position with a minimum of breakdown. … [Read more...] about Letter: Hubbard to Forrest Ackerman (1949)
Minutes: Shangri-La (Excerpt) (1948)
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second [small] rocket flight aside by that organisation. He said that the flights were very successful; the society fairly coined the money. Currency flowed in from even such remote parts of the Earth as Texas. However, they had a little trouble with the postmaster of a Los Angeles Suburb; it seems the guy says they look too much like counterfeit or something. They had to contact Washington to get them through. Forrest J. Sees All Knows All Tells Even More Ackerman told us that L. Ron Hubbard … [Read more...] about Minutes: Shangri-La (Excerpt) (1948)