Now your next level of Release that was acceptable to the world at large–that man is a spiritual being. Now that is in decay. That has been known and has been suppressed, and has been suppressed since 1879, Professor Wundt, Leipzig, Germany. I always like to remember the man’s name. Man was an animal and he was nothing but an animal and therefore it was all right to kill him, maim him, shoot him, do anything you possibly could to him because he was “Nyaa, no good,” see? Now this is something … [Read more...] about Lecture: Releases and Clears (2) (1966)
Lecture: Seminar: Withholds (1961)
I remember an Air Force major who all of a sudden turned up on my front doorstep and wouldn't tell me his name. It was very weird. I did - I went along with this just as a gag almost. But I processed him every afternoon for an hour, and at the end of the hour-because he couldn't give me his name and address, you see, and it was all not-know anyhow, and everybody- why, he'd hand me a fifty-dollar bill. Which is kind of-very amusing-handing me money anyhow-because I don't-normally will take the … [Read more...] about Lecture: Seminar: Withholds (1961)
Lecture: Two-Way Comm And The Present Time Problem (1954)
Now, there’s a thing called a confessional which was the basic psychotherapy that man had. The Catholic Church rather monopolized this, they, I don’t know if you know how a confessional is carried on or not but it’s a… I could go into this in considerable detail but won’t. But the priest sits in a little booth and he has a curtain drawn there and he is not visible to the communicant or the penitent or whatever they call him. And he’s not visible, and this person sort of whispers his various sins … [Read more...] about Lecture: Two-Way Comm And The Present Time Problem (1954)
Lecture: Technique 88: Overts Acts Motivators & DEDs (continued) (1952)
Now, perhaps you think I am being very unsympathetic with human beings and human aberrations by speaking in this gross, even disrespectful tone of voice with regard to the poor pitiful plight of people. Well, I am. Because the moment you understand a level of something, and understand it well, see it operating under your hands; you don't have to worry about it anymore, for it stops being serious. Why does it stop being serious? Because you can do something about it. If you can take a case, run … [Read more...] about Lecture: Technique 88: Overts Acts Motivators & DEDs (continued) (1952)
Letter: Hubbard to Forrest Ackerman (1949)
Box 1796 Savanah, Georgia Jan. 13, 1949 Dear 4E: (Proper name should be in capitals) I have been meaning to back up the last note of Sara's but didn't, been powerful busy trying to nail down a stack of copy. Been using an old dictaphone arangement which was on the verge of driving me stark staring.Finally today managed to get my big paws on a new Audiograph setup. They were used by the airforce in planes in the war and transcribe or record in any position with a minimum of breakdown. … [Read more...] about Letter: Hubbard to Forrest Ackerman (1949)