WITHHOLD, 1. a withhold is an unspoken, unannounced transgression against a moral code by which the person was bound. (SH Spec 62, 6110C04) 2. the unwillingness of the pc to talk to the auditor or tell him something. (SH Spec 108, 6202C01) 3. a withhold is something that a person believes that if it is revealed it will endanger their self-preservation. (SH Spec 113, 6202C20) 4. when the person should be reaching and is withdrawing that’s a withhold. (SH Spec 98, 6201C10) 5. a withhold is a withhold if it is a violation of the mores the pc has subscribed to and knows about. (SH Spec 75, 6111C02) 6. a withhold is something the pc did that he isn’t talking about. (SH Spec 206, 6211C01) 7. a withhold is what the pc is withholding and it does not have to include what the pc considers is a withhold. (SH Spec 98, 6201C10) 8. it is restraining self from communicating. (SH Spec 98, 6201C10) 9. is always the manifestation which comes after an overt. Any withhold comes after an overt. (SH Spec 181, 6208C07)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary, Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.