I have been looking into the subliminal messaging employed in the Aftermath series, each episode of which contains at least one subliminal sequence. A & E also offers some Aftermath “Bonus” videos which employ a subliminal sequence. Below is a transcript of Leah Remini: Scientology & the Aftermath – Commanding Officer (Bonus) | A&E. Emotionally charged profiling terms are flashed as text items on screen for approximately 41 to 42 milliseconds per item. 1
After downloading the Youtube video I used open source video editing software2 to extract the relevant footage as still frames, to record the time codes for each frame in terms down to milliseconds, and to summarize the technical information on my captured and produced video:
Codec 4CC: H264
Image Size: 1280 x 720
Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (1:1)
Frame Rate: 23.981 fps
Total Duration: 00:02:03.623
Extra Video Properties
ExtraDataSize: 42
Extra data: 01 4D 40 1F FF E1 00 1B 67 4D
WHAT WENT DOWN (fading in)
Bonus CO |
Bonus CO |
[Black screen]
[Screen: The Church challenges the credibility of the contributors appearing in this program, and their statements.
As of the airing of this episode, the Church has not agreed to participate.
Information the Church provided about matters discussed in this series can be viewed at: aetv.com/aftermathletters]
[Black screen]
LR: People are still wondering why you guys submitted yourselves and allowed yourselves to be beaten over and over and why you didn’t fight back.
Jeff Hawkins: David Miscavige physically assaulted me five separate times. He jumps up on the table, launches himself at me, knocks me down on the floor. I was scratched up. My shirt was ripped off.
LR: And what was everybody in the room doing?
MR: You don’t want to do anything that will attract attention to you, so you’re the next one.
JH: You know I described my whole experience to a navy seal. And he said, “Oh, I woulda just cold-cocked that, that guy. I wouldn’t have stood for that.” And I said, “Ah, suppose he was an admiral.” And there was a long pause, and he said, “Oh, I see what you mean.”
MR: The Sea Organization is established ah, on the basis of Hubbard’s experience in the navy, where the the captain at the top and lieutenants and there is a very clear pecking order. And that way of operating is all laid out structure, command lines, how you treat your superior officers, etc., etc.
LR: Right. So that answers a little bit for people, why you guys allowed yourselves to be hit.
MR: Right.
LR: And, and take the abuse.
MR: Right.
LR: It’s cuz its your commanding officer doing it. And you, and second part of that is that you believed that you deserved it.
MR: That is the more significant part to me.
LR: Yeah.
MR: You get indoctrinated in Scientology that whatever happens to you, you are responsible for your own condition.
LR: Right.
MR: If David Miscavige is beating on you, it’s because you, you think there must be something that I have done that caused this to happen.
This range of stimulus duration is known to fall below normal thresholds of consciousness. Radu, I. M. (2016 October-December). Subliminal perception of complex visual stimuli. Romanian Journal of Ophthalmology, 60(4), 226-230. PDF format↩
Avidemux 2.7.0. Available for download at https://sourceforge.net/projects/avidemux/ ↩
Note: The high contrast version of this frame was generated with Cyberlink PhotoDirector. ↩