THETA, 1. theta is thought, life force, elan vital, the spirit, the soul, or any other of the numerous definitions it has had for some thousands of years. (SOS, p. 4) 2. the life force, life energy, divine energy, elan vital, or by any other name, the energy peculiar to life which acts upon material in the physical universe and animates it, mobilizes it and changes it. It is susceptible to alteration in character or vibration, at which time it becomes enturbulated theta or entheta. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 21) 3. theta is thought; an energy of its own universe analogous to energy in the physical universe but only occasionally paralleling electromagnetic-gravitic laws. The three primary components of theta are affinity, reality, and communication. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 3) 4. reason, serenity, stability, happiness, cheerful emotion, persistence, and the other factors which man ordinarily considers desirable. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 12) 5. an energy existing separate and distinct from the physical universe. (SOS, p. 4) 6. Greek for thought or life or the spirit. (Aud 10 UK) 7. not a nothingness. It just happens to be an exterior thing to this universe–so you couldn’t talk about it in this universe’s terms. (PDC 6)
THETA BEING, 1. the “I,” it is who the preclear is. (HOM, p. 15) 2. the theta being is close to a perpetual motion picture machine in that it can create energy and impulses. It thinks without facsimiles, it can act without experience, it can know simply by being. (HOM, p. 43)
THETA BODY, a thetan very often carries with him a theta body which he mocked up on the past track and which is a number of facsimiles of old bodies he has misowned and is carrying along with him as control mechanisms which he uses to control the body he is using. (PAB 130)
THETA BOP, 1. is a small or wide steady dance of the needle. Over a spread of one-eighth of an inch, say (depending on sensitivity setting–it can be half an inch), the needle goes up and down perhaps five or ten times a second. It goes up, sticks, falls, sticks, goes up, sticks, falls, sticks, etc., always the same distance, like a slow tuning fork. It is a constant distance and a constant speed. A theta bop means “death,” “leaving,” “don’t want to be here.” It is caused by a yoyo of the preclear as a thetan vibrating out and into the body or a position in the body. It’s as if the needle is jumping between two peaks across a narrow valley. (EME, p. 16) 2. a small or wide steady dance of the needle. Depending on the sensitivity setting it can be anything from one-eighth to half an inch wide. It is very rapid, perhaps five or ten times a second. (BIEM, p. 43) 3. a diagnostic read, a sort of yoyo–in and out. It does not matter a continental how wide the theta bop is. It can be a whole dial wide. Most theta bops do it repetitively. One dip and one recovery at the exact same speed over the same area would be a one-motion theta bop. A theta bop has the equal halt at both ends. (SH Spec 1, 6105C07)
THETA CLEAR, 1. it is a person who operates exterior to a body without need of a body. (SH Spec 59, 6109C27) 2. that state wherein the preclear can remain with certainty outside his body when the body is hurt. (PAB 33) 3. a theta clear, then can be defined as a person who is at cause over his own reactive bank and can create and uncreate it at will. Less accurately he is a person who is willing to experience. Theta clear is stable. (Ab1,1 92M) 4. theta clear would mean clear of the mest body or cleared of the necessity to have a mest body. (5206CM26A) 5. there are two types of theta clear, the theta being which is cleared of its necessity or compulsion to have a body and a theta being which is cleared all the way on the track. (5206CM26B) 6. the basic definition of theta clear is: no further necessity for beingnesses. (SH Spec 36, 6108C09) 7. this is a relative not an absolute term. It means that the person, this thought unit, is clear of his body, his engrams, his facsimiles, but can handle and safely control a body. (COHA, p. 248) 8. in its highest sense, means no further dependency on bodies. (SCP, p. 3) 9. an individual who, as a being, is certain of his identity apart from that of the body, and who habitually operates the body from outside, or exteriorized. (PXL, p. 16)
THETA CLEARING, 1. to create a theta clear it is only necessary to bring the being up to a point where it can leave and return upon a mest body. (HOM, p. 59) 2. the emancipation or exteriorization of a soul. (PXL, p. 26)
THETA FORCE, theta force is reason. (SOS, p. 158)
THETA I, theta individual which is the individual you are and are aware of being. (HCL-15, 5203CM10A)
THETA LINE, 1. a timeless, spaceless, influence capable of making recordings, capable of animating and motivating, controlling, forming, destroying, conserving matter, energy, space and time. (HCL-19, 5203CM10A) 2. that line where the individual uses the genetic line to make one or many bodies that pass through time and the theta body inhabits the other body from just before conception until slightly after death. This theta line is subject to several different bodies. (HCL-20, 5203CM10B) 3. life monitoring energy and making bodies. (HCL-15, 5203CM10A)
THETA-MEST THEORY, 1. a theory generated by myself in the fall of 1950 as an effort to explain (just a theory) the phenomena of an analyzer working in one direction and a reactive mind working in quite another, the reactive mind being interesting, and the analyzer being interested. (5410CM06) 2. the idea is that life is a no-substance thing, up against a physical universe which is a substance thing. Here is nothingness up against a somethingness interacting where the nothingness or the no-substance thing is actually giving orders to and handling the all substance thing, the physical universe. (UPC 3 5406CM––) 3. the idea that there was a universe and that there was thought–theta without wave-length, without mass, without time, without position in space: this was life. And that was impinged upon something else called the physical universe, which was a mechanical entity which did things in a peculiar way, and these two things together, theta-mest interacting, gave us life forms. (PXL, p. 140)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.