“…We don’t want a clinic. We want one in operation but not in name. Perhaps we could call it a Spiritual Guidance Center. Think up its name, will you. And we could put in nice desks and our boys in neat blue with diplomas on the walls and 1. knock psychotherapy into history and 2. make enough money to shine up my operating scope and 3. keep the HAS 1 solvent. It is a problem of practical business. I await your reaction on the religion angle. In my opinion, we couldn’t get worse public opinion than we have had or have less customers with what we’ve got to sell. A religious charter would be necessary in Pennsylvania or NJ to make it stick. But I sure could make it stick. We’re treating the present time beingness, psychotherapy treats the past and the brain. And brother, that’s religion, not mental science.”
— L. Ron Hubbard (1953) 2
— L. Ron Hubbard (1953) 2
- Academic article: The Globalization of Scientology: Influence, Control and Opposition in Transnational Markets by Stephen A. Kent, P.h.D. (1999)
- Article: East Grinstead Hall of Fame: L. Ron Hubbard (ca. 2001)
- Article: It Probably Has Not Occurred to the Field… (1953)
- Article: Senator Nick Xenophon: Scientology Is A Criminal Organization (2009)
- Article: The States of Existence (2008)
- Book: Hymn of Asia (2000)
- Book: The Scientology Handbook (Foreword) (1994)
- Book: The Scientology Handbook (Table of Contents) (1994)
- Chart: The Bridge To Total Freedom
- HCOB: The Nature Of A Being (1980)
- Interview: Four Corners interviews Tommy Davis (Parts 1 and 2) (2010)
- Lecture: Conditions of Space/Time/Energy (1952)
- Lecture: Effort Processing Summary (1951)
- Lecture: Effort Processing: Intentions And Overt Acts (1952)
- Lecture: Future Org Trends (2) (1962)
- Lecture: Releases and Clears (2) (1966)
- Lecture: Rightness and Wrongness (2) (1963)
- Lecture: Technique 88: Anatomy of Maybe (1952)
- Lecture: Technique 88: Overts Acts Motivators & DEDs (continued) (1952)
- Lecture: The D.E.I. Scale by L. Ron Hubbard (1952)
- Lecture: Two-Way Comm And The Present Time Problem (1954)
- Letter from Super Power Expansion Project In-Charge (2004)
- Letter: Deputy Commissioner John L. Harvey to Senator Maurine Neuberger (January 31, 1963)
- Letter: Hubbard to Helen O’Brien (1953)
- Letter: Hubbard to Readers, Astounding Science Fiction (August, 1950)
- Magazine article: “Victories Against Suppression Worldwide” (2002)
- Magazine article: A Turning Point In Our History (2004)
- Magazine article: Active Members (2002)
- Magazine article: An OT Future For Canada (2009)
- Magazine article: Confront of Evil (2005)
- Magazine article: Fourth Dynamic Salvage Campaign News (2009)
- Magazine article: How We Work on the Third Dynamic (Ability Issue 72) (May 1, 1958)
- Magazine article: Operation Drug-Free Earth (2011)
- Magazine article: Rekindling the Russian Spirit (2011)
- Magazine article: Setting the Stage for 2007: Psychiatry: Global Obliteration
- Magazine article: Target: An Ideal Scientology Community In Clearwater (2008)
- Magazine article: The answer to planetary clearing (2004)
- Magazine article: The Moscow IAS Honor Status Ball (2012)
- Memorandum: FDA to General Counsel re: E-Meter seizure trial (November 13, 1970)
- News: Baptists, Scientologists in Haiti ‘trying to buy souls’: Voodoo priest (2010)
- News: Some Christian pastors embrace Scientology (2007)
- Newsletter: The Golden Dawn: An Invitation to Freedom (1954)
- Promo: Man’s Search For His Soul (1998)
- Promo: Penetrating the First and Second Wall of Fire (2004)
- Report: Memorandum of Interview with Samuel Moskowitz (August 30, 1970)
- Testimony: Frank K. Flinn (1984)
- Transcript: Grand Opening Cambridge Ideal Org (2013)
The Ability Angle
- HCOB: What is Scientology? (1959)
- Lecture: Where We Are At (2) (1952)
- Letter from Super Power Expansion Project In-Charge (2004)
- Letter: Hubbard to Forrest Ackerman (1949)
- Letter: L. Ron Hubbard to President John Kennedy (August 13, 1962)
- Magazine article: Auditing and Ability (2001)
- Magazine article: Child Scientology (1953)
- Professional Auditor’s Bulletin: The Open Channel (1956)
- Promo: Get a new slant on life! (1997)
- Promo: Move Through the Wall of Fire (2004)
- Promo: Worried? Anxious? Upset? Come in for Group Processing (2001)
- HAS: Hubbard Association of Scientology ↩
- Excerpted from Letter from L. Ron Hubbard to Helen O’Brien (April 10, 1953) ↩