Scientology Intelligence Courses
- Guardians Office: Confidential Intelligence Course (GO 1314 9 September 1974)
- OSA INT ED: Department of Special Affairs Investigations Officer Full Hat Checksheet (OSA INT ED 508R. 1991)
- HCOPL: Knowledge Reports (1982)
- Inspector General Network Order: Re Counter Espionage (1990)
- LRH Executive Directive: Ethics Program No. 1 (1969)
- Report: L. Ron Hubbard to Commanding Officer, Base Section No. 3 (February 3, 1942)
- Hubbard’s “Allied Scientists of the World” scam (1951-1952)
- The Armstrong Op; The Loyalist Op
- The Unabomber Op
- The Rene Helmer Op
- Many more Scientology Ops…