Booth, M. (2000). A magick life: The biography of Aleister Crowley. (pp. 476-479). London: Hodder & Stoughton. In the austere postwar years, Crowley had little money. His main source of income was the Agapé Lodge of the OTO in Pasadena, California. Germer, living in New York, also sent him a percentage of OTO initiation fees. [...] The Agapé Lodge was founded in 1915 by Wilfred T. Smith, an initiate of Charles Stansfeld Jones' Vancouver branch, who broke away from Jones. With Crowley's … [Read more...] about Book: A Magick Life: the biography of Aleister Crowley (2000)
Wilfred T. Smith
Article: Jack Parsons Beloved of Babalon: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (1998)
Jack Parsons Beloved of BABALON A Psych Profile of JPL's Magickal Scientist [from "StarFire" magazine, a Thelemic publication][1. V.H. Fra. B.R.H., B:.B:. (n.d. ). Liber Babalon Liber VI Publication in Class B An Holy Observer of the Babalon Bunch©. Retrieved 8 July 2010 from] "But I say that that perfect image in the heart of man is patterned by the awful lust in space-time that shapes … [Read more...] about Article: Jack Parsons Beloved of Babalon: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (1998)
Article: Jack Parsons JPL’s Sorcerous Scientist: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 1998)
Jack Parsons JPL's Sorcerous Scientist[1. V.H. Fra. B.R.H., B:.B:. (n.d. ). Liber Babalon Liber VI Publication in Class B An Holy Observer of the Babalon Bunch©. Retrieved 8 July 2010 from] "The [Babalon] Working began in 1945-46, a few months before Crowley's death in 1947, and just prior to the wave of unexplained aerial phenomena now recalled as the 'Great Flying Saucer … [Read more...] about Article: Jack Parsons JPL’s Sorcerous Scientist: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 1998)
Article: JPL’s Jack Parsons and his BABALON Brethren: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 1997)
External link: Liber Babalon
JPL's Jack Parsons and his BABALON Brethren Occultist Aleister Crowley, Pasadena JPL's Jack Parsons & Scientology's L.Ron Hubbard "That's the way they all became the BABALON Bunch©" Brother Jack Parsons: The Magickal Scientist and His Circle by Paul Rydeen[1. V.H. Fra. B.R.H., B:.B:. (n.d. ). Liber Babalon Liber VI Publication in Class B An Holy Observer of the Babalon Bunch©. Retrieved 8 July 2010 from … [Read more...] about Article: JPL’s Jack Parsons and his BABALON Brethren: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 1997)
Book: The Magical Revival (Acknowledgements) (1991)
Acknowledgements[1. Grant, K. (1991). The magical revival. London: Skoob Books Pub.] The author has at his disposal the entire body of Aleister Crowley's writings (published and unpublished), and wishes to thank Mr. John Symonds--Crowley's literary executor--for allowing complete freedom in the use of it. John W. Parsons, head of the Pasadena Lodge of the O.T.O. between 1940 and 1945 observed that Kelley's life of crime, sparked off by the Angel's communication, resembled closely what … [Read more...] about Book: The Magical Revival (Acknowledgements) (1991)