The Disaster Relief Angle … [Read more...] about The Volunteer Minister Angle
The Volunteer Minister Angle
Magazine article: Providing Indiscriminate Help Anywhere (2011)
It is the one campaign that is all but synonymous with our brand of help. The Volunteer Minister program extends the gift of LRH technology across all continents and every imaginable terrain. It begins with local Volunteer Ministers reaching out in their neighborhoods and communities to provide solutions for life's inevitable disasters, both little and large. It reaches out further with Org and Continental Cavalcades pitching now-iconic tents to bring help to major metropolitan zones. It … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Providing Indiscriminate Help Anywhere (2011)
Interview: Four Corners interviews Tommy Davis (Parts 1 and 2) (2010) Q (Quentin McDermott). What is ‘routing out’? A (Tommy Davis). Um it’s a sort of a short formed way um that’s a short form way to describe ah the process by which somebody goes through ah to leave the Sea Organisation and [inaudible]… Q. . . .It can take a very long time though can’t it? A. I’m sorry? Q. It can take a very long time? A. Ah no it shouldn’t, it shouldn’t, ah per policy it shouldn’t. It can take … [Read more...] about Interview: Four Corners interviews Tommy Davis (Parts 1 and 2) (2010)
News: Baptists, Scientologists in Haiti ‘trying to buy souls’: Voodoo priest (2010)
A Scientologist, flown in by John Travolta, touches an injured Haitian girl as part of the group's ministry mission. Faith leaders in Haiti are upset by a stampede of evangelicals, Scientologists and others out to convert traumatized children while offering food and shelter. Beauvoir, alarmed by the arrival of ministers from the Church of Scientology [1. See also: Travolta flies aid, Scientology to Haiti] as well as aid workers from Pat "Pact-with-Satan," Robertson's group, accused American … [Read more...] about News: Baptists, Scientologists in Haiti ‘trying to buy souls’: Voodoo priest (2010)
Magazine article: Scientology Volunteer Minister Campaign (2010)
The Volunteer Minister fulfills the very definition of religion by extending the gift of Scientology itself and bringing indiscriminate help. As one of the largest independent relief forces on Earth, the reach of VMs has no boundaries. No matter where, when or what... that bright flash of yellow means hope. THE IAS-SPONSORED VOLUNTEER Minister Crusade works to extend the gift of Scientology itself. Volunteer Ministers are providing succor to what amounts to the face of humanity, both … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Scientology Volunteer Minister Campaign (2010)
Magazine article: Fourth Dynamic Salvage Campaign News (2009)
The Planetary Salvage campaigns funded by IAS grants are the largest programs of their kind. They reach whole populations, but ultimately it is help on a one-on-one basis that is reversing the dwindling spiral. [1. Impact 120 (pp. 44-47) (2009) PDF format.][1. Define: Dynamics; Fourth Dynamic] TONGA WELCOMES THE SOUTH PACIFIC GOODWILL TOUR AND LRH STUDY TECH [Image captions: The VM Cavalcade I/C presented the Tonga Minister of Education, Womens Affairs and Culture with the Scientology … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Fourth Dynamic Salvage Campaign News (2009)