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Memorandum: Founding Church of Scientology (March 20, 1964)
File/Ref. No.: 62-94080
View online: archive.org
View online: archive.org
By James Phelan [1. Retrieved from saturdayeveningpost.com. PDF format.] Saint Hill Manor is a traditional old English mansion that stands behind a high gateway on a quiet Sussex road some 30 miles south of London. Its size and age-it was built in 1728-give it an impressive but faintly brooding air. Before 1959 it was owned by the Maharaja of Jaipur, and before that by Mrs. Anthony Drexel Biddle. But it is a safe bet that in all its 236 years Saint Hill Manor has never seen anybody … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Saturday Evening Post: Have You Ever Been A Boo-Hoo? (1964)