The Human Rights Angle
Magazine article: United For Human Rights (2009)
The IAS-sponsored human rights campaign grows ever more urgent as Scientology itself grows ever larger. UNITED FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Once you present LRH materials in 50 languages, including those spoken by populations in human rights watch-listed zones, you are committed to ensuring people have the freedom to avail themselves of the materials. The IAS-sponsored human rights campaign grows every more urgent as Scientology itself grows ever larger. Because the moment you present LRH materials … [Read more...] about Magazine article: United For Human Rights (2009)
Magazine article: Fourth Dynamic Salvage Campaign News (2009)
The Planetary Salvage campaigns funded by IAS grants are the largest programs of their kind. They reach whole populations, but ultimately it is help on a one-on-one basis that is reversing the dwindling spiral. [1. Impact 120 (pp. 44-47) (2009) PDF format.][1. Define: Dynamics; Fourth Dynamic] TONGA WELCOMES THE SOUTH PACIFIC GOODWILL TOUR AND LRH STUDY TECH [Image captions: The VM Cavalcade I/C presented the Tonga Minister of Education, Womens Affairs and Culture with the Scientology … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Fourth Dynamic Salvage Campaign News (2009)
Web article: What is the purpose of the OT® Committee? (2008)
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE OT® COMMITTEE? The OT Committee is set up to help organize and channel OT forces, interests and resources for the greatest good for Scientology®. Currently, our objective as delineated by International Management as the greatest good for Scientology is two-fold: 1) 10,000 solo auditors on OT VII; and 2) creating an Ideal Central Org in the (San Fernando) Valley. From 18 December 1952 lecture How to Talk to Friends about Scientology, LRH says, “…At any one time on … [Read more...] about Web article: What is the purpose of the OT® Committee? (2008)
Magazine article: A Universal Human Rights Renaissance (2008)
RESHAPING THE DESTINY OF EARTH IAS CAMPAIGN [Image captions: The human rights program is blowing away the clouds of repression that shroud this planet to create an environment in which everyone can live freely. The yearly International Human Rights summit brings human rights delegates to the United Nations headquarters in New York where the Universal Declaration was adopted.] UNITED FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Violations of human rights can stop a the civilization cold, hence the worldwide human … [Read more...] about Magazine article: A Universal Human Rights Renaissance (2008)
Magazine article: Igniting The Flame Of Human Rights In West Africa (2008)
In lands where human rights atrocities had reached unspeakable levels, IAS Freedom Medal Winner 2008, Tim Bowles, launched a movement that is rekindling decency and hope. Between Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone lies a place very close to hell. It's a place where they'll tell you even God gave up and there is ' no language adequate to convey the horror. Here is where blood diamonds were mined, adolescent killers were created and where rape became a weapon of war. Here is where rebels hacked … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Igniting The Flame Of Human Rights In West Africa (2008)