The Happiness Angle
Magazine article: The Freewinds creating an ever widening wake of LRH technology (2010)
With the Maiden Voyage Anniversary comes a salute to the Ship herself. She’s not only the ultimate distraction-free environment, but she sails in a rare tradition of maritime excellence and cuts a significant wake in terms of enhancing lives in her latitudes. Consider a brief reintroduction, vis-a-vis this from LRH: “Individual ships are incredibly different in performance and amount of untoward incident. Some are ‘lucky,’ some aren’t. But the difference is entirely that of the competence and … [Read more...] about Magazine article: The Freewinds creating an ever widening wake of LRH technology (2010)
Magazine article: The Way to Happiness: Operation Planetary Calm (2010)
THE WAY TO HAPPINESS OPERATION PLANETARY CALM It is the most embracive IAS-sponsored Planetary Salvage Campaign of all and provides people with the principles for living through the 21 precepts of The Way to Happiness. Everyone pays a price for criminality in the society. A majority of companies report that they are victims of corporate crime – most of it is committed by their own employees. Violence, to say nothing of cheating on exams, is a problem in many schools. And parents often … [Read more...] about Magazine article: The Way to Happiness: Operation Planetary Calm (2010)
Magazine article: Remaking a Nation with Trust & Truth (2009)
[Image captions: IAS Freedom Medal Winner 2009 Andrés López has restored public trust in those that protect the nation and has put Colombia on the road to happiness. Andrés delivers a seminar to students at Torras Carrasquilla College in Bogotá. Andrés and the First Lady of Colombia. The Colombian Senate honored Andrés with one of the nation's highest honors, the Decoration of Democratic Merit. Flying with the Colombian Air Force. Over 1,500 officers of the Colombian National … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Remaking a Nation with Trust & Truth (2009)
Magazine article: Fourth Dynamic Salvage Campaign News (2009)
The Planetary Salvage campaigns funded by IAS grants are the largest programs of their kind. They reach whole populations, but ultimately it is help on a one-on-one basis that is reversing the dwindling spiral. [1. Impact 120 (pp. 44-47) (2009) PDF format.][1. Define: Dynamics; Fourth Dynamic] TONGA WELCOMES THE SOUTH PACIFIC GOODWILL TOUR AND LRH STUDY TECH [Image captions: The VM Cavalcade I/C presented the Tonga Minister of Education, Womens Affairs and Culture with the Scientology … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Fourth Dynamic Salvage Campaign News (2009)
Magazine article: It Starts With Literacy (2008)
IT STARTS WITH LITERACY Planetary clearing starts with you. And street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, we are bringing in sanity with LRH tech. One of the situations local Flag Scientologists are tackling is education. Fifty-three percent of high school students in the local county drop out before they finish. And without the ability to study and learn, people are less productive and turn more and more to lives of crime and violence. Creating a brighter future for today's youth … [Read more...] about Magazine article: It Starts With Literacy (2008)