SEA ORGANIZATION FLAG ORDER NO. 746 20 May 1968 SCHOOL[1. This document in PDF format.] Any and all Sea Org Training comes under the 2nd Mate Div 2. This includes any and all schools, kindergarten, nursery school, grammar school, high school, etc. IT IS ILLEGAL TO TEACH ANY COURSE WITHOUT A CHECK SHEET. It is also illegal to add to a check sheet a student has once begun. The very next student not yet begun on a check sheet may have an improved check sheet for the same course, … [Read more...] about Flag Order: School (1968)
The Education Angle
Lecture: A Review of Study (1964)
Now, if you know education - and you know our technology of education now - you will see at once exactly what must have happened. Way back here in kindergarten or someplace the Communist love of the reevaluation of words caught him. The favorite trick of the Communist is not to change anybody’s vocabulary but to make it mean something else. They change the meaning of words so therefore everything sounds familiar. The next thing you know a person finds that the word means something else entirely … [Read more...] about Lecture: A Review of Study (1964)
PAB: Education (1957)
PAB 110 includes language similar to Lecture 30 October 1956 Education: Point of Agreement regarding Jack Parsons.[1. Lecture: Education: Point of Agreement] P.A.B. No. 110 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR’S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office 35/37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1 15 April 1957 EDUCATION Education—point of agreement.[1. Hubbard, L. R. (1976). The technical bulletins of dianetics and … [Read more...] about PAB: Education (1957)
Lecture: Education: Point of Agreement (1956)
Now, I have known, been very fortunate to know in my life, quite a few real geniuses, chaps that really wrote their names fairly large in the world of literature and science, and I consider myself very fortunate because they are very rare. What made them so rare? I found something very peculiar about these fellows; they were for the most part taught in peculiar schools; they were taught in some YMCA school, or they were taught by some Englishman that ran a little college that wasn't very big, … [Read more...] about Lecture: Education: Point of Agreement (1956)