What can the Purification Rundown ® Life Improvement TM Procedure do for your child? The Chemical Environment: Pick up a newspaper or watch the evening news and you are likely to see at least one story about toxic waste dumps, chemical spills, or the alarming health risks posed by new and old contaminants. More than 3,000 chemicals are deliberately added to the foods one commonly finds in a supermarket. Over 700 different chemical compounds have been found in common drinking water. … [Read more...] about Promo: What can the Purification Rundown Life Improvement procedure do for your child? (2008)
The Dangerous Environment Angle
Promo: Sure You’ve Got A Choice… (ca. 1970)
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Book: The True Story of Scientology (1965)
THE TRUE STORY of Scientology is simple, concise and direct. It is quickly told: 1. A philosopher developed a philosophy about life and death. 2. People find it interesting. 3. People find it works. 4. People pass it along to others. 5. It grows. When we examine this extremely accurate and very brief account, we see that there must be in our civilization some very disturbing elements for anything else to be believed about Scientology. These disturbing elements are the … [Read more...] about Book: The True Story of Scientology (1965)
Lecture: Scientology Zero (1963)
In this 1963 lecture, Hubbard announces an undercut to Scientology philosophy; discusses the actions of merchants of chaos in society and how they sell solutions to a dangerous environment; patterns Scientology's entry level technology as solutions to the dangerous environment; uses a boa constrictor and its prey to illustrate the activity of some religious activities with respect to reality; implies Scientology is a boa constrictor, but that it delivers coping mechanisms for victims being … [Read more...] about Lecture: Scientology Zero (1963)
HCO Info Letter: Scientology Zero The Dangerous Environment The True Story of Scientology (1963)
THE TRUE STORY of Scientology is simple, concise and direct. It is quickly told: 1. A Doctor of Philosophy developed a philosophy about life and death.[1. Cf. New Slant on Life, (2007 ed., p. 259): "A philosopher developed a philosophy about life and death."] 2. People find it interesting. 3. People find it works. 4. People pass it along to others. 5. It grows. When we examine this extremely accurate and very brief account, we see that there must be amongst us some very … [Read more...] about HCO Info Letter: Scientology Zero The Dangerous Environment The True Story of Scientology (1963)
HCOB: The Special Zone Plan The Scientologist’s Role in Life (1960)
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex HCO BULLETIN OF 23 JUNE AD10 Important MA[1. MA: Magazine article] Franchise Holders SPECIAL ZONE PLAN The Scientologist’s Role in Life[1. HCOB Special Zone Plan in PDF format.] Ten years ago, on about this date, I was up against third dynamic confusion of such magnitude that within a few months, I was to decide to forget organization problems and concentrate on research. Because of this decision for years we … [Read more...] about HCOB: The Special Zone Plan The Scientologist’s Role in Life (1960)