Of the Thoth tarot trump, The Chariot, Aleister Crowley writes: “The central and most important feature of the card is its centre--The Holy Grail.”1 So important is this Cup that Crowley’s Charioteer is charged with only one task: "His only function is to bear the Holy Grail."2 We know from Crowley’s Magick in Theory and Practice and other works that the Holy Grail is synonymous with the Cup of Babalon. However, the formula of the Cup of Babalon, that which describes its function and purpose, is … [Read more...] about Article: The Formula of the Cup of Babalon (2001)
The Babalon Working
Newsgroup: The Rocket Scientist & The Guru: Stardate 1946 – Parsons/Hubbard (2000)
[CTRL] The Rocket Scientist & The Guru: Stardate 1946 - Parsons/Hubbard Nicky Molloy Fri, 16 Jun 2000 06:24:28 -0700 http://www.mt.net/~watcher/bluey3.html Date: Saturday, November 29, 1997 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subj: ::: The Rocket Scientist & The Guru: Stardate 1946 ::: The Rocket Scientist & The Guru: Stardate 1946 by T. Allen Greenfield, Bishop EGC/OTO "At about the same time that Parsons was trying to incarnate an extraterrestrial entity, he also claimed that he … [Read more...] about Newsgroup: The Rocket Scientist & The Guru: Stardate 1946 – Parsons/Hubbard (2000)
Book: The Robe Of The Probationer (2000)
He [Hubbard] was robed in white, carrying the lamp, and I in black, hooded, with the cup and dagger. — Jack Parsons, The Book of Babalon.[1. Source: Parsons, J. (1946). Liber 49 The Book of Babalon. THE COLLECTED WRITINGS OF JACK PARSONS.] The robe of a Probationer is a white Tau robe, without a hood, and with gold braid along the bottom hem, the cuffs, and near the neckline. On the front is a scarlet pentagram. On the back is a hexagram, formed from a descending blue triangle … [Read more...] about Book: The Robe Of The Probationer (2000)
Article: The Babalon Working I: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 1998)
The BABALON Working Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon[1. Retrieved from http://web.archive.org/web/19980424211718/http://www.brotherblue.org/libers/babalon1.htm] According to tradition, the Sirians who originally settled in Sumeria had cat or lion like bodies. How many hybrids and just plain humans were absorbed into the ancient culture is not exactly known. What is known is that at some time they settled into the area of Cairo and called it Babalon or Babylon which meant Baby Lyon. This city was … [Read more...] about Article: The Babalon Working I: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 1998)
Article: Jack Parsons Beloved of Babalon: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (1998)
Jack Parsons Beloved of BABALON A Psych Profile of JPL's Magickal Scientist [from "StarFire" magazine, a Thelemic publication][1. V.H. Fra. B.R.H., B:.B:. (n.d. ). Liber Babalon Liber VI Publication in Class B An Holy Observer of the Babalon Bunch©. www.brotherblue.org. Retrieved 8 July 2010 from http://web.archive.org/web/19980424205414/www.brotherblue.org/brethren/parsons5.htm] "But I say that that perfect image in the heart of man is patterned by the awful lust in space-time that shapes … [Read more...] about Article: Jack Parsons Beloved of Babalon: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (1998)
Article: Jack Parsons JPL’s Sorcerous Scientist: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 1998)
Jack Parsons JPL's Sorcerous Scientist[1. V.H. Fra. B.R.H., B:.B:. (n.d. ). Liber Babalon Liber VI Publication in Class B An Holy Observer of the Babalon Bunch©. www.brotherblue.org. Retrieved 8 July 2010 from http://web.archive.org/web/19980424201950/http://www.brotherblue.org/brethren/parsons3.htm] "The [Babalon] Working began in 1945-46, a few months before Crowley's death in 1947, and just prior to the wave of unexplained aerial phenomena now recalled as the 'Great Flying Saucer … [Read more...] about Article: Jack Parsons JPL’s Sorcerous Scientist: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 1998)