The Babalon Working was a series of magical rituals performed in 1946 by Jack Parsons, rocket scientist and Lodge Master of the Agapé Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis and L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology. [1. Read Alexander Mitchell's shocking expose published on 5 October 1969: Revealed for the first time...the odd beginning of Ron Hubbard's career.] From the magical record of Jack Parsons: This book contains the record of a magical experiment relating to the invocation … [Read more...] about Hubbard and the Babalon Working
The Babalon Working
Article: Hubbard and Black Magick: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 2010)
"Like surrealism, occultism tries to break the domination of rational philosophy and logic, stressed by Descartes. Occultism is based on the belief in a higher reality of certain forms of association through the cabbala, faith in the power of dream- and trance-images, and in the stream of words uncensored by the intellect." - P. R. Koenig, "Ecstatic Creation of Culture" "Hubbard had experienced a peculiar hallucination in 1938, while under nitrous oxide during a dental operation. He believed … [Read more...] about Article: Hubbard and Black Magick: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (ca. 2010)
Book: A Magick Life: the biography of Aleister Crowley (2000)
Booth, M. (2000). A magick life: The biography of Aleister Crowley. (pp. 476-479). London: Hodder & Stoughton. In the austere postwar years, Crowley had little money. His main source of income was the Agapé Lodge of the OTO in Pasadena, California. Germer, living in New York, also sent him a percentage of OTO initiation fees. [...] The Agapé Lodge was founded in 1915 by Wilfred T. Smith, an initiate of Charles Stansfeld Jones' Vancouver branch, who broke away from Jones. With Crowley's … [Read more...] about Book: A Magick Life: the biography of Aleister Crowley (2000)
Letter to David Miscavige: Hubbard and the Babalon Working (2009)
Dear David Miscavige,[1. Post and thread on OCMB] As you undoubtedly know, the University of London’s Warburg Institute Library has set the unsealing of the “Babalon Working” and related documents for January 1, 2010. I believe these materials will confirm what I have, after considerable diligence, discovered: that you and your Scientology representatives perpetrated and are perpetrating a black fraud upon me, and perhaps upon other people similarly placed, regarding L. Ron Hubbard’s role in … [Read more...] about Letter to David Miscavige: Hubbard and the Babalon Working (2009)
Book: Magia Sexualis: The Beast with Two Backs (2006)
About: Hugh Urban
"The whole trouble comes from humanity's horror of Love. For the last hundred years, every first-rate writer on morals has sent forth his lightnings and thunders, hailstones and coals of fire, to burn up Gomorrah and Sodom where Love is either shameful and secret or daubed with dug and sentiment." — ALEISTER CROWLEY, The Law Is for All "The point about Crowley is that he seems to contain all these sorts of ideas and identities—indeed, most of the vices of the twentieth century—and he was dead … [Read more...] about Book: Magia Sexualis: The Beast with Two Backs (2006)
Book: In The Name Of The Beast: The Devil (2005)
A history of The Babalon Working,by J. Edward Cornelius. Posted with permission. Chapter Nine THE DEVIL The Angel stood on Gilead His Wings a coursing flame Two eyes of piercing fire he had With folded arms he came The Angel stood on Gilead Pure number was his name. Lt. McMurtry's stay in New York was very short. He knew right from the start that it was only going to be a brief stop over. Like many Americans, his main ambition was to go home now that the war was over. … [Read more...] about Book: In The Name Of The Beast: The Devil (2005)