Airtel: SAC San Francisco to FBI Director re: Founding Church of Scientology of Washington, Inc., v. Clarence Kelly (Kelley) (U.S.D.C, D.C) Civil Action No. 77-0175 (June 7, 1977)
File/Ref. No.: 62-117658-30
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L. RON HUBBARD. D.D.. PH. D. Box 242 Silver Spring, Md. Sept. 7, 1955 TO THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Communist Activities Gentlemen: A series of sudden insanities and disturbances in Dianetic and Scientology groups reached seven last week on the West Coast. In Atomic Energy's Richland, Washington a young boy who had never been treated with Dianetics or Scientology but whose father Verne McAdams is the local Scientology group leader in Richland suddenly and mysteriously … [Read more...] about Letter: L. Ron Hubbard to FBI (Communist Activities) (September 7, 1955)