------Original Message------- From: Sue Moore Date: 1/14/2009 1:32:36 PM To: Maria Walicki Cc: ejdimartino[at]comcast.net; marina v Subject: OTC Minutes for distribution Hello, OTC! We had a lively meeting last night with the ED and PES in attendance, along with David Baritz from the IAS. OTC attendees were: Sue Moore, Maria Walicki, Richard Walicki, Fred Kress, Pat Devlin, Antonio delaSerna and Joe McCusker. Shaan and Taylor Young were excused. All others were unexcused … [Read more...] about E-mail: Subject OTC Minutes for distribution (2009)
OT Committee
Web article: What is the purpose of the OT® Committee? (2008)
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE OT® COMMITTEE? The OT Committee is set up to help organize and channel OT forces, interests and resources for the greatest good for Scientology®. Currently, our objective as delineated by International Management as the greatest good for Scientology is two-fold: 1) 10,000 solo auditors on OT VII; and 2) creating an Ideal Central Org in the (San Fernando) Valley. From 18 December 1952 lecture How to Talk to Friends about Scientology, LRH says, “…At any one time on … [Read more...] about Web article: What is the purpose of the OT® Committee? (2008)
Chart: OT Committee Organizing Board (2004)
[1. OT Committee Organizing Board (2004).] Notes … [Read more...] about Chart: OT Committee Organizing Board (2004)