originally printed circa 1960 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF L. RON HUBBARD[1. Hubbard, L. R. (1970). A Brief Biography of L. Ron Hubbard. [Hubbard biographical sketch]. PRO News 04-1970, 1-4.] [...] HUBBARD, Lafayette Ronald, author, explorer; b. Tilden, Neb., Mar. 13, 1911; s. H.R. & Ledora May (Waterbury) B.S. in Civil Engineering, George Washington U. [...] SCIENTOLOGY AND DIANETICS L. Ron Hubbard describes Dianetics and Scientology in this light: "It was inevitable that a man who … [Read more...] about Newsletter: A Brief Biography of L. Ron Hubbard (1970)
nuclear physicist
Magazine article: Saturday Evening Post: Have You Ever Been A Boo-Hoo? (1964)
Publication: Saturday Evening Post
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By James Phelan [1. Retrieved from saturdayeveningpost.com. PDF format.] Saint Hill Manor is a traditional old English mansion that stands behind a high gateway on a quiet Sussex road some 30 miles south of London. Its size and age-it was built in 1728-give it an impressive but faintly brooding air. Before 1959 it was owned by the Maharaja of Jaipur, and before that by Mrs. Anthony Drexel Biddle. But it is a safe bet that in all its 236 years Saint Hill Manor has never seen anybody … [Read more...] about Magazine article: Saturday Evening Post: Have You Ever Been A Boo-Hoo? (1964)
HCOB: What is Scientology? (1959)
Scientology is the science of human ability and intelligence. It was developed over a third of a century by Doctor Hubbard, American nuclear physicist and leading world authority on the subject of life sources and mental energies and structures. The Hubbard Association of Scientologists International assists and forwards his work and is a charitable nonprofit organization with thousands of professionals [...] Scientology, in less than a decade, has become the world's primary study of man and … [Read more...] about HCOB: What is Scientology? (1959)
HCOB: Man Who Invented Scientology (1959)
(The following article appeared recently in the London City Press. It may be used by city offices and area offices for information to papers.) [...] The HASI and all its concerns is founded on the work of one man, L. Ron Hubbard, engineer, explorer, nuclear physicist and writer. Holding in his mind a knowledge of Eastern thought gained in his travels, his instruction in psychology from a medical doctor who had studied personally under Sigmund Freud, and his training in mathematics and … [Read more...] about HCOB: Man Who Invented Scientology (1959)
HCOB: Man Who Invented Scientology (1959)
The HASI and all its concerns is founded on the work of one man, L. Ron Hubbard, engineer, nuclear physicist and writer. Holding in his mind a knowledge of Eastern thought gained in his travels, his instructions in psychology from a medical doctor who has studied personally under Sigmund Freud, and his training in mathematics and nuclear physics, L. Ron Hubbard found himself convalescing in hospital towards the end of the Second World War, after a distinguished career in the United States Navy. … [Read more...] about HCOB: Man Who Invented Scientology (1959)
Letter: Hubbard to Dr. Edward U. Condon (1958)
L. Ron Hubbard January 2, 1958 1812 - 19th Street, B. W. Washington 9, D. C. Dr. Edward U. Condon Washington University St. Louis, Missouri My dear Doctor Condon: I have read your address before the American Physical Society November 29 in St. Louis. It was a beautiful and appealing address. Few of us in science today are escaping claw marks and I have had seven years of my share. America has often tried to kill those who have helped her. Thus I am emboldened to propose an … [Read more...] about Letter: Hubbard to Dr. Edward U. Condon (1958)