Now if you really knew all there was to know about everything under the sun, moon and stars in the way of pictures in the bank ... you don't have to be an expert this way fortunately. But you would recognize something about it. Actually you can recognize it very easily by dating it. The date of R6[1. Technical Dictionary definition: R6.] is seventy-five million years ago.[1. Hubbard wrote in HCOB 2 October 1968 (Confidential) OT III, "Inc 2 is R6 75 million years ago. Inc I is about 4 … [Read more...] about Lecture: (Confidential) Case Supervisor Do’s And Don’ts: The Total Rationale And Background Of Auditing (September 30, 1968)
Lecture: Auditing The GPM (October 23, 1963)
I’ve already seen medicos blanch on just running an engram. Ran a guy through measles one time, got him - doctor took his temperature - ran him through a measles engram. Halfway through, why, the doctor stopped me and took his temperature again. He was running a temperature, I don’t know, a hundred and two, hundred and three, something like this. And the doctor immediately went into a screaming fit and says, “I’m sorry, I have to order this patient to bed at once!” I said, “I’m sorry, this is my … [Read more...] about Lecture: Auditing The GPM (October 23, 1963)
Lecture: Auditing the GPM (October 23, 1963)
I’ve already seen medicos blanch on just running an engram[1. Definition: Engram]. Ran a guy through measles one time, got him—doctor took his temperature—ran him through a measles engram. Halfway through, why, the doctor stopped me and took his temperature again. He was running a temperature, I don’t know, a hundred and two, hundred and three, something like this. And the doctor immediately went into a screaming fit and says, “I’m sorry, I have to order this patient to bed at once!” I said, … [Read more...] about Lecture: Auditing the GPM (October 23, 1963)
Lecture: Q&A Period – What Is Knowable To The PC?
Female voice: How would you go about cleaning up every session a guy's ever had ? How would you go about cleaning up every session a person has ever had? Well, in view of the fact the auditing track is not a very long track, that's a very easy thing to do. If you simply ran the ARC break process which you now have in the present rudiments, you'd clean the lot. Okay? It's interesting sometime to take off the auditing by whatever means or process. We had a student one time, in Washington, in … [Read more...] about Lecture: Q&A Period – What Is Knowable To The PC?
Lecture: What is Auditing (August 31, 1961)
These early missionaries, as I mentioned, did find most of the dope about this, and they reported it endlessly, before of course they got executed or something of the sort or exorcised themselves from either the Indian or the white society. And we find there are very few books of this character still extant; they are very rare. And I've had the privilege of reading some of them. Very fancy. They had ideas of soul transference. They had ideas of exteriorization. They had a medical-type … [Read more...] about Lecture: What is Auditing (August 31, 1961)
Lecture: Raw Meat: Troubleshooting Cases (June 28, 1961)
The first time this was ever done was in an Academy. A student suddenly came down with measles; only the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with the student. And I got very clever about this time and asked the burning question, "What had this student been doing just before these measles broke out?" And I found out that the (quote) "auditor" in that particular case had blown the session. Blown the session! The auditor had blown the session. Get somebody halfway through a measles engram and … [Read more...] about Lecture: Raw Meat: Troubleshooting Cases (June 28, 1961)