The Genetic Entity has come up in terms of races. There’s the yaller race and the white race and… and the green race, and so forth. The number of races that have come up the track — we don’t care about these races. If… the fact that somebody is trying to tell people that these races have equal rights under law isn’t telling anybody any brand-new big news — it’s darned obvious that they should have. It’s very weird here on Earth, that anybody should beat the drum about this. Well, that … [Read more...] about Lecture: On Auditing: How to Succeed/Fail, Assess (1952)
invader forces
Lecture: On Auditing–How to Succeed/Fail: Assess (1952)
File/Ref. No.: 5212C13B
The Invader boys present a hard case, mostly because they start feeling very degraded. And there are several crews of those, by the way. There’s not just one crew. And all of them feel more or less degraded. But the third battalion of the Fifth Invader Force is practically out through the bottom of the chute. You’d have to invent something below minus eight.[1. Minus eight: See Hubbard's Tone scale.] When they first find themselves turning on a small beam of energy, they just collapse. It’s … [Read more...] about Lecture: On Auditing–How to Succeed/Fail: Assess (1952)
Lecture: The Role of Earth (1952)
File/Ref. No.: 5210C30
Now, you take preclear after preclear after preclear after preclear. You put them on E-Meters, you try to run them, you try to do this, you try to do that, straight on through, and you'll find in each and every case you're finding the phenomenon of entities, bodies in pawn, communications, spaceships, other planets, locations, beingness in other states and all of this; and you'll find this to be a consistent condition. You have fulfilled this definition of the MEST universe. It's evidently … [Read more...] about Lecture: The Role of Earth (1952)
Lecture: Phenomena of the Thetan (1952)
File/Ref. No.: 5210CX6
Now, I must tell you here—very rapidly, because we’re quite overdue— that there have been approximately six invader forces into the material universe in the past sixty-four trillion years: Invader Force One, Invader Force Two, Invader Force Three, Invader Force Four, Invader Force Five, Invader Force Six. Six is very young, Five is very active, but Five is still on an encroaching line on this galaxy. Four is vested interest—Invader Force Four. They know themselves by these designations, by the … [Read more...] about Lecture: Phenomena of the Thetan (1952)
Lecture: Technique 88: Questions and Answers (1952)
File/Ref. No.: 5206C28
Why do people study history? Actually, you want to find out what’s—what people have been up to and what’s happened, and so forth. Why do people pound off from here and go down to the Congo and study the savages down there? It’s always something to do, something to do. Other people may have other reasons why they come into this area. This area—at one time, somebody had considerable hopes for this area and then. . . There are sporadic efforts to suddenly boost it up and give it some … [Read more...] about Lecture: Technique 88: Questions and Answers (1952)
Lecture: Technique 88: Confusion (1952)
File/Ref. No.: 5206C27A
There are five invader forces active and one aborning. That is to say, there are six invader forces in total, but the one “aborning” is not active at all. It is really in its infancy. It will probably be several million years before you even see this one begin to lift its head very far. Counting from the first time most of you hit the track, counting from then (about 60 trillion years ago in the MEST universe) some of you hit the track 60 trillion years ago MEST universe, and some of you didn’t … [Read more...] about Lecture: Technique 88: Confusion (1952)