… [Read more...] about Subpoena: In re The Estate of L. Ron Hubbard (March 22, 1983)
Subpoena: In re The Estate of L. Ron Hubbard (March 22, 1983)
File/Ref. No.: 62-94080
View online: archive.org
Encloses the following documents: Subpoena: Nick Stames, Assistant Director, Identification Division, FBI (22 March 1983) Commission to Take Deposition Out Of State: (Nick Stames) (2 March 1983) Order That Commissions Issue For Taking Deposition Outside California (2 March 1983) Notice of Taking Deposition Outside of California (Nick Stames) Memorandum: March 18, 1983 with cover sheet (1 blue certification cover sheet; and copy of 1 fingerprint card.) … [Read more...] about Letter: Lawrence A. Katz, Esq. to Assistant Director, Identification Division, FBI (March 15, 1983)
Law Offices of Barrett S. Litt 617 South Olive Street, Suite 1000 Los Angeles, California 90014 (213) 623-7511 Attorneys for Respondent MARY SUE HUBBARD In re the Estate of L. Ron Hubbard … [Read more...] about FBI: Notice Of Taking Deposition Outside Of California (March 2, 1983)