In 1979, Scientology had me petitioning to Jane Kember, Guardian Worldwide for the "privilege" of being in the SO. Kember was at that time defending herself in the Snow White criminal case. Hubbard's magical constructs had long since exteriorized into "real life." His "Guardian Angel" was a real person, in charge of his Intel and black ops. Although Ron has no formal training in Magick, he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From some of his experiences … [Read more...] about Research notes: Hubbard’s Guardian and the Archangel Michael
Enochian magic
Book: The Beast 666 (re: moon child; homunculus; lunar intelligence) (1997)
The Beast was rarely lacking in creativeness; and in the spring of 1917, he turned out in rapid succession essays, and short stories about a detective called 'Simon Iff'. He ascribed his creative ability at this time to the stimulating effect of the old quarter of New Orleans where he was living. 'I wrote day and night continuously — poems, essays and short stories.' He also tried his hand at a longish novel called The Net or The Butterfly Net, the butterfly being the ancient Chinese symbol for … [Read more...] about Book: The Beast 666 (re: moon child; homunculus; lunar intelligence) (1997)
Book: The Magical Revival (Acknowledgements) (1991)
Acknowledgements[1. Grant, K. (1991). The magical revival. London: Skoob Books Pub.] The author has at his disposal the entire body of Aleister Crowley's writings (published and unpublished), and wishes to thank Mr. John Symonds--Crowley's literary executor--for allowing complete freedom in the use of it. John W. Parsons, head of the Pasadena Lodge of the O.T.O. between 1940 and 1945 observed that Kelley's life of crime, sparked off by the Angel's communication, resembled closely what … [Read more...] about Book: The Magical Revival (Acknowledgements) (1991)