Letter: [?] to Sir (May 10, 1985)
File/Ref. No.: 62-116151-235
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This planet was part of a Federation, and passed out of its control due to war, etc. This federation has been called the Markab Confederacy. This sounds space-opera-ish, but if it is true, is should be stated, whether it is acceptable or not. The planets of the confederacy united, out of fragments of earlier civilizations, over the past 200,000 years, but it is not native to this galaxy. In the past 200,000 years, mental implanting has been taking place that is not native to earlier track. The … [Read more...] about Lecture: Auditing Comm Cycles — Definition of an Auditor
Is the physical universe an illusion? You can test this one. If a man loses his last dream, you’ve got a corpse on your hand. Don’t kill a man with bullets because you don’t really kill him at all. We can test that and prove that on an E-meter. No, sir. Kill him by taking his dreams away one by one. Take his goals and dreams. What’s the commonest thing that you hear from people? “I lost my illusions. I haven’t any illusions any more..” They know what’s wrong with them. they’ve lost their … [Read more...] about Lecture: Gradient Scales of Handling Space, Energies and Objects (1952)