In early 1945, while recovering from war injuries at Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, Mr. Hubbard conducts a series of tests and experiments dealing with the endocrine system. He discovers that, contrary to long-standing beliefs, function monitors structure. With this revolutionary advance, he begins to apply his theories to the field of the mind.[1. L. Ron Hubbard A Chronicle (n.d.). Retrieved 26 April 2010 from] Notes … [Read more...] about Article: L. Ron Hubbard a Chronicle (n.d.)
claims about Hubbard
Article: East Grinstead Hall of Fame: L. Ron Hubbard (ca. 2001)
L. Ron Hubbard -1959 Saint Hill L. Ron Hubbard [March 13, 1911 - January 14, 1986] lived an extraordinary and adventurous life. Although best known as the founder of the Scientology religion, he was also a Master Mariner, Pilot, Photographer, Musician, Author, Explorer, Philosopher and much more besides. He lived at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, between 1959 and 1967 during which time he greatly contributed to the local community. He was the East Grinstead Road Safety Committee organiser, … [Read more...] about Article: East Grinstead Hall of Fame: L. Ron Hubbard (ca. 2001)
Book cover: L. Ron Hubbard: 8-80 (1989)
L. Ron Hubbard Spiritual Pioneer of the 20th Century The Discovery and Increase of Life Energy … [Read more...] about Book cover: L. Ron Hubbard: 8-80 (1989)
Book: Scientology A New Slant on Life: Dustjacket claims (1971)
L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics and Scientology were developed by L. Ron Hubbard, American writer and philosopher. Much of Hubbard's early youth was spent in the American West and he travelled extensively in Asia as a young man. He wrote and published over 15,000,000 words of articles and novels of all kinds before World War II. During that war he served as a commander of corvettes and was extensively decorated. Crippled and blind at the end of the war, he resumed his studies of philosophy … [Read more...] about Book: Scientology A New Slant on Life: Dustjacket claims (1971)
Newsletter: A Brief Biography of L. Ron Hubbard (1970)
originally printed circa 1960 A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF L. RON HUBBARD[1. Hubbard, L. R. (1970). A Brief Biography of L. Ron Hubbard. [Hubbard biographical sketch]. PRO News 04-1970, 1-4.] [...] HUBBARD, Lafayette Ronald, author, explorer; b. Tilden, Neb., Mar. 13, 1911; s. H.R. & Ledora May (Waterbury) B.S. in Civil Engineering, George Washington U. [...] SCIENTOLOGY AND DIANETICS L. Ron Hubbard describes Dianetics and Scientology in this light: "It was inevitable that a man who … [Read more...] about Newsletter: A Brief Biography of L. Ron Hubbard (1970)
Book: Mission Into Time (1968)
Many awards and honors were offered and conferred on L. Ron Hubbard. He did accept an honorary Doctor of Philosophy given in recognition of his outstanding work on Dianetics and "as an inspiration to the many people ... who had been inspired by him to take up advanced studies in this field..."[1. Hubbard, L. R. (1968). L. Ron Hubbard Mission Into Time (First printing 1973 ed.). Los Angeles: American Saint Hill Organization.] Notes … [Read more...] about Book: Mission Into Time (1968)