Acknowledgements[1. Grant, K. (1991). The magical revival. London: Skoob Books Pub.] The author has at his disposal the entire body of Aleister Crowley's writings (published and unpublished), and wishes to thank Mr. John Symonds--Crowley's literary executor--for allowing complete freedom in the use of it. John W. Parsons, head of the Pasadena Lodge of the O.T.O. between 1940 and 1945 observed that Kelley's life of crime, sparked off by the Angel's communication, resembled closely what … [Read more...] about Book: The Magical Revival (Acknowledgements) (1991)
Book: The Book of AntiChrist: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (1949)
The Collected Writings of Jack Parsons The Book of Babalon, The Book of Antichrist, and other writings PART TWO: THE BOOK OF ANTICHRIST The Black Pilgrimage[1. V.H. Fra. B.R.H., B:.B:. (n.d. ). Liber Babalon Liber VI Publication in Class B An Holy Observer of the Babalon Bunch©. Retrieved 8 July 2010 from] Now it came to pass even as BABALON told me, for after receving Her Book I fell … [Read more...] about Book: The Book of AntiChrist: Sub-Figura vel Liber Babalon (1949)