This is an excerpt of an essay by Father John on the Liber XV - The Gnostic Mass.[1. Ref. Liber XV: O. T. O. Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ, Edited from the Ancient Documents in Assyrian and Greek by The Master Therion:], with commentary on important concepts in Thelema.[1. Father John, (n.d.). Liber XV - The Gnostic Mass (continued). Of The Ceremony Of the Introit. Retrieved on 28 May 2010 from … [Read more...] about Article: Of the Ceremony of the Introit (n.d.)
Discussion: Liber AL vel Legis and the Illuminati Cipher (2010)
Thanks to Harpokrates for this informative and insightful post. The sigil of Babalon features the Theta (Θ) symbol, both at the top and in the center. Hubbard taught Scientologists that they are Thetans, individual units of Theta[1. Scientology definitions relating to Theta]. Liber AL vel Legis and the Illuminati Cipher by Harpokrates » Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:01 pm Greetings to everyone, This is a message that is related to an older post of mine, called "Ciphers of the Illuminati and … [Read more...] about Discussion: Liber AL vel Legis and the Illuminati Cipher (2010)
Book: Magia Sexualis: The Beast with Two Backs (2006)
About: Hugh Urban
"The whole trouble comes from humanity's horror of Love. For the last hundred years, every first-rate writer on morals has sent forth his lightnings and thunders, hailstones and coals of fire, to burn up Gomorrah and Sodom where Love is either shameful and secret or daubed with dug and sentiment." — ALEISTER CROWLEY, The Law Is for All "The point about Crowley is that he seems to contain all these sorts of ideas and identities—indeed, most of the vices of the twentieth century—and he was dead … [Read more...] about Book: Magia Sexualis: The Beast with Two Backs (2006)
Article: The Formula of the Cup of Babalon (2001)
Of the Thoth tarot trump, The Chariot, Aleister Crowley writes: “The central and most important feature of the card is its centre--The Holy Grail.”1 So important is this Cup that Crowley’s Charioteer is charged with only one task: "His only function is to bear the Holy Grail."2 We know from Crowley’s Magick in Theory and Practice and other works that the Holy Grail is synonymous with the Cup of Babalon. However, the formula of the Cup of Babalon, that which describes its function and purpose, is … [Read more...] about Article: The Formula of the Cup of Babalon (2001)
Book: Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God (1992)
The name Babalon is numerically equivalent to 156, whereas the corrupt, apocalyptic form, Babylon, totals 165—a number of no particular qabalistic significance. One-five-six, on the other hand, conceals many ideas relating to the function of the Scarlet Woman. For instance, it is the number of TzIVN, Zion, the Holy Mountain; it is also the number of the City of the Pyramids beneath the Night of Pan, which may be entered and explored through the magical use of Babalon. It is also, according to … [Read more...] about Book: Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God (1992)
Book: Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God (1992)
Source: Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God by Kenneth Grant Introduction THIS BOOK contains a critical study of Aleister Crowley's system of sexual magick and its affmities with the ancient Tantric rites of Kali, the dark goddess of blood and dissolution represented in Crowley's Cult as the Scarlet Woman. It is an attempt to supply a key to the work of an Adept whose vast knowledge of occultism was unsurpassed by any previous Western authority. I have emphasized the similarity between … [Read more...] about Book: Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God (1992)