FREEDOM [LIBERTY-FRANKNESS-OUTSPOKENNESS. THE RIGHT OF AN INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP TO BE. TO DO, TO HAVE. FREEDOM FROM . . . FREEDOM TO . . .] March 1969 The Independent Journal Published by the Church of Scientology A PAPER ON THE DIFFICULTIES OF RESEARCHING IN THE HUMANITIES A SUMMARY ON SCIENTOLOGY FOR SCIENTISTS [1. Hubbard, L. R. (March 1969). A Paper on the Difficulties of Researching in the Humanities A Summary on Scientology for Scientists. The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and … [Read more...] about Article: A Paper On The Difficulties Of Researching In The Humanities A Summary Of Scientology For Scientists (1969)
Lecture: A Review of Study (1964)
Now, if you know education - and you know our technology of education now - you will see at once exactly what must have happened. Way back here in kindergarten or someplace the Communist love of the reevaluation of words caught him. The favorite trick of the Communist is not to change anybody’s vocabulary but to make it mean something else. They change the meaning of words so therefore everything sounds familiar. The next thing you know a person finds that the word means something else entirely … [Read more...] about Lecture: A Review of Study (1964)
Lecture: Case Analysis – Rock Hunting – Q & A Period (3) (1958)
Male voice: I've heard a lot of fabulous stories about the book "Excalibur." Could you tell us a little about that? It still - it still exists. I got a carbon copy of it. The original's been stolen. Male voice: Will you ever put it in print, Ron? The original... No. The original was stolen by the Russians a long time ago. They offered me a hundred thousand dollars to go to Russia and work exclusively in Russia - all laboratory facilities - and actually offered me any facility and pay … [Read more...] about Lecture: Case Analysis – Rock Hunting – Q & A Period (3) (1958)
Letter: L. Ron Hubbard to FBI (July 29, 1955)
File/Ref. No.: 62-94080; 17-cv-03842-A (183-185)
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Having gotten on a somewhat more even keel after the collapse of the organization in Phoenix, Arizona (the HASI) and having begun operation in the East with more public success and enthusiasm than I am used to, I have a better perspective on what occurred in Phoenix. … [Read more...] about Letter: L. Ron Hubbard to FBI (July 29, 1955)