Hubbard published various wordings that related Scientology to knowledge and published them in several of his basic books, such as Scientology 8-80, Creation of Human Ability, and Scientology 8-8008. The definitions and descriptions from those and other sources became the technical definition of Scientology, per Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary: SCIENTOLOGY, 1. it is formed from the Latin word scio, which means know or distinguish, being related to the word scindo, which means … [Read more...] about Scientology and Knowledge: The Hidden Sefiroth
Book: The Key to the Abyss (2006)
The Babalon Working In 1946, Jack Parsons went alone into the Mojave Desert and made contact with a force he identified as the Mother of Abominations in the Book of Revelation. Parsons recorded the event in what became one of the most notorious documents in the history of Western Occultism; Liber 49, the Book of Babalon. A star from heaven fallen 1n 1909 Aleister Crowley performed a ritual that mirrored an event described in the Book of Revelation; the opening of the Abyss. He spoke the words … [Read more...] about Book: The Key to the Abyss (2006)
Book: The Beast 666 (re: how to attract an elemental) (1997)
In the spring of 1945, Parsons met a new aspirant to the Great Work, a young man called Ron Hubbard. Hubbard's magical potential was very great and he made a considerable impression upon the members of Agape Lodge, especially on Betty, the mistress of Dr Parsons; she soon found herself sleeping with him. Frater 210 (Dr Parsons) was not unduly upset about this; for he had decided to follow even more closely in the Beast's footsteps and find, by magical means, a Scarlet Woman, his own true … [Read more...] about Book: The Beast 666 (re: how to attract an elemental) (1997)