WashingtonApril 22, 1941
To: Lieutenant Commander Guy E. Stahr, Medical Corps, U. S. Navy,
President, Board of Medical Examiners,
Navy Department, Washington, D. C.SUBJECT: Precept convening a Board of Medical Examiners.
1. A Board of Medical examiners for the purpose of acting on reports of medical examinations of candidates for admission, promotion, or transfer in the U. S. Naval Reserve is hereby ordered to convene at the Navy Department, Washington, D. C., as soon as may be practicable.
2. The Board will consist of yourself as President, and of the following named officer as additional member, viz: Lieutenant James R. Sayers, Medical Corps, U. S. Navy.
3. Lieutenant James R. Sayers, Medical Corps, U. S. Navy, will act as recorder.
4. The proceedings of the Board will be conducted in accordance with the instructions contained in “Naval Courts and Boards”, and the records forwarded to the Office of the Judge Advocate General via the Chiefs of the Bureaus of Medicine and Surgery and Navigation.
5. Changes in membership of this Board may legally be made only by authority of the Secretary of the Navy.
6. A certified copy of this precept will be attached to the record of proceedings of the Board in each case.
Ralph A. Bard
Acting Secretary of the NavyCERTIFIED A TRUE COPY:
Lieutenant James R. Sayers (MC), U. S. Navy,
Member and Recorder.
Subject: Precept convening a Board of Medical Examiners. (April 22, 1941)
File/Ref. No.: OMPF LRH 01-008
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