October 22, 1941.
Subject: Lt.(jg) L. Ronald Hubbard, U.S.N.R. work
performed in Section S.D.& L.1. During the period September 22 to October 4, 1941, inclusive, Lt. Hubbard was detailed to the Hydrographic Office for the purpose of completing the data on some photographs which he had previously voluntarily submitted to this Office before his commissioning in the Naval Reserve.
2. During this period he examined the prints of several hundred photographs and selected from them several dozen that were fairly clear possessing some navigational interest. These he mounted and annotated. He also indicated on several charts the positions franwhich the pictures were taken.
3. He also examined the text of the Sailing Directions – H.O. Nos. 175 and 176, British Columbia, Vols. I and II – for the places with which he was familiar as a result of his recent yacht cruise in these waters, and submitted several suggested changes or amplifications. These items are all brief, and some are unimportant, but in the aggregate they represent a very definite contribution. The items which concern H.O. No.175 have been checked, and many of them will be used in the 1942 Supplement to this book.
4. His performance of duty was satisfactory. The period was too brief to form a proper estimate of his temperament and other qualifications, but he made a favorable impression, and deserves commendation for his contributions.
C. N. Hinkamp
Captain, U.S. Navy
Officer-in-Charge, Maritime Security
Subject: Lt. (jg) L. Ronald Hubbard, U.S.N.R. Work Performed (October 22, 1941)
File/Ref. No.: OMPF-LRH-06-001-004
Download: OMPF-LRH-06-001-004.pdf