Pers-320-RMB First Endorsement
February 5, 1943.From: The Chief of Naval Personnel.
To: Lieutenant (jg) Lafayette R. Hubbard, D-V(S), USNR,
U.S.S. PC-815, Albina Eng. & Mach. Works, Portland, Oregon.
Via: The Prospective Commanding Officer.Subject: Letter dated February 4, 1943 from Dave Margolis, Corner 22nd and G Streets, N. W., Washington, D. C., concerning its claim for $120.75.
1. Forwarded for your information and such comment as you desire to make relative to subject claim.
2. Please make reply direct to the complainant, forwarding a copy of your letter to the Bureau with return of all correspondence.RANDALL JACOBS,
The Chief of Naval Personnel.
J. B. Perkins, Jr.,
By direction.
Subject: Letter from Dave Margolis (February 5, 1943)
File/Ref. No.: OMPF LRH 02-058
Download: OMPF-LRH-02-058.pdf