Prep. [Jan] 18, 1943.
JAN 19 1943Pers-31-VEP
780 28
From: The Chief of Naval Personnel.
To: Lieutenant (jg) Lafayette R. Hubbard, D-V(S), U.S.N.R., Submarine Chaser Training Center, Miami, Fla.
Via: Commanding Officer.
Subject: Change of duty.1. You are hereby detached from temporary duty under instruction at the Submarine Chaser Training Center, Miami, Fla., and from such other duty as may have been assigned you; will proceed without delay via commercial air to Portland, Oregon, and report by letter to the Commandant, Thirteenth Naval District, for duty in connection with the
fitting out of the PC-815 at the Albina Engine and Machine Works, and for duty as commanding officer of that vessel when placed in commission.2. A per diem of $6.00 in lieu of subsistence will be allowed while in an air travel status.
(Confirming telephoned instructions of January 13, 1943).
Copy to: C.O., Submarine Chaser Tra. Center, Miami, Fla.
Cdr. Gulf Sea Frontier.
Cdt., 13th Nev. Dist.
Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Willamette Iron and Steel Corp., Portland, Oregon.
Subject: Change Of Duty (January 18, 1943)
File/Ref. No.: OMPF LRH 02-006
Download: OMPF-LRH-02-006.pdf