ROCK SLAM, 1. the following is the only valid definition of an R/S: The crazy, irregular left-right slashing motion of the needle on the E-Meter dial. R/Ses repeat left and right slashes unevenly and savagely, faster than the eye easily follows. The needle is frantic. The width of an R/S depends largely on sensitivity setting. It goes from one-fourth inch to whole dial. But it slams back and forth. A rock slam (R/S) means a hidden evil intention on the subject or question under auditing or discussion. Valid R/Ses are not always instant reads. An R/S can read prior or latently. One slash doesn’t begin to be an R/S. Nor two or three for that matter. The correct definition of an R/S includes that it slashes savagely left and right. A dirty needle is not to be confused with an R/S. They are distinctly different reads. You never mistake an R/S if you have ever seen one. A dirty needle is far less frantic. The difference between a rock slam and a dirty needle is in the character of the read, not the size. Persistent use of “fish and fumble” can sometimes turn a dirty needle into a rock slam. However until it does it is simply a dirty needle. Auditors, C/Ses, supervisors must must must know the difference between these two types of reads cold. (HCOB 3 Sept 78) 2. The term was taken from a process in the 50s which sought to locate “A rock” on the pc’s early timetrack; the “slam” is a description of the needle violence, meaning it “slams” back and forth. For a time all left right motions of the needle were considered and called “Rockslams” until it was found that a smooth left right flow was a symptom of release or key out and this became the “Floating Needle.” There is yet another left right motion of the needle called the “Theta Bop.” This occurs when the person has or is trying to exteriorize. “Theta” is the symbol for the person as a spirit or goodness; “bop” is an electronic term for a slight hitch in the sweep of a needle. A “Theta Bop” hitches evenly at each end of the sweep left and right and is very even in the middle of the sweep. Neither the “Floating Needle” nor the “Theta Bop” can be confused with a “Rockslam.” The difference of the Rockslam is uneven, frantic slashing left and right; even the distances traveled left and right are likely to be different in each swing from the last. A rockslam means a hidden evil intention on the subject or question under discussion or auditing. (HCOB 10 Aug 76R)
ROCK SLAMMER, 1. there are, for our purposes, two kinds of R/Sers. (a) those who R/S on subjects not connected with Scn and (b) those who R/S on subjects connected to Scn. The latter is a “List One R/Ser” and it is of great importance to us that they be located and moved off lines when they are part of staffs as their intent is solely to destroy us whatever else they say: their intent is solely to destroy us whatever else they say: their long run actions will prove it. The definition of a List One R/Ser is anyone who has R/Sed on List One. Staff concerned must be able to identify an R/Ser which is different from someone with an R/S. (HCOB 1 Nov 74R)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.