PSYCHIATRY, the primary difference between Scn and psychiatry is that psychiatry is authoritarian and tells the person what’s wrong with him, often introducing a new lie. Scn finds out what’s wrong with the person from the person. (SH Spec 294, 6308C14)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.
PSYCHIATRY, psychology and psychiatry were developed chiefly by a Russian veterinarian named Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936). His basic principle was that men were only animals and could be conditioned and trained much like dancing bears or dogs. This work was only intended to control people and so has found great favor with certain rulers and upper classes. None of the activities of psychology or psychiatry were designed to help or cure, only to control the masses. The results of psychiatry are physically damaging, consisting of various brutalities and often injure the patient for life or kill him outright. There have never been any cures listed or claimed for psychiatric treatment as its interest lies only in control. (HCO PL 23 May 69
Hubbard, L. R. (1976). Modern Management Technology Defined. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization United States.
PSYCHO-, combining form: refers to mind. (DMSMH, p. 92
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.
PSYCHO-ANALYSIS, is a system of mental therapy developed by Sigmund Freud in Austria in 1894 and which depends upon the following practices for its effects: the patient is made to discourse (free associate) on and recall his childhood for years while the practitioner effects a transfer of the patient’s personality to his own and searches for hidden sexual incidents believed by Freud to be the only cause of aberration; the practitioner reads sexual significance into all discourse and evaluates it for the patient along sexual lines; the entirety of the cases of psycho-analysis have never been tabulated and little or no testing has been done to establish the validity of the system. (PAB 92)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.
PSYCHOLOGY, 1. defined this way: psyche-ology; spirit, study of. (AHMC 1, 6012C31) 2. that body of practice devoted to the creation of an effect on living forms. It is not a science since it is not an organized body of knowledge. In actual use it is a dramatization of Axiom 10, wholly reactive. In this wise the word can be used by Scientologists, and this definition can be used legally to prove Scn isn’t psychology. (HCOB 22 Jul 59) 3. the study of the spirit (or mind) that came into the peculiar position of being a study of the spirit which denied the spirit. (PAB 82) 4. a study of the brain and nervous system and its reaction patterns. (ASMC 3, 5506C03) 5. an anglicized word, not today true to its original meaning. Psychology is composited from psyche and ology, and psyche is mind or soul, but leading psychological texts begin very, very carefully by saying that today the word does not refer to the mind or to the soul. To quote one, it “has to be studied by its own history,” since it no longer refers to the soul, or even to the mind. So we don’t know what psychology refers to today. (PXL, p. 2) 6. the study of the human brain and stimulus-response mechanism and its code word was “man to be happy, must adjust to his environment.” In other words–man, to be happy must be a total effect. (2ACC lB, 5311CM17
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.
PSYCHOLOGY, 1. Webster’s International Dictionary of the English language 1829 defines “psychology: a discourse or treatise on the human soul; the doctrine of the nature and properties of the soul.” Webster’s High School Dictionary 1892, “psychology: the powers and function of the soul.” Merriam Webster’s 3rd International Dictionary 1961, “psychology: the science of mind or mental phenomena or activities; the study of the biological organism (as man) and the physical and social environment.” Somewhere along the way, man lost his soul! We pinpoint when and we find Professor Wundt, 1879, being urged by Bismarck at the period of German’s greatest militarism, trying to get a philosophy that will get the soldiers to kill men, and we find Hegel, the II great” German philosopher, the idol of super-Socialists, stressing that war is vital to the mental health of people. Out of this we can redefine modern psychology as a German military system used to condition men for war and subsidized in American and other universities at the time the government was having trouble with the draft. A reasonable discourse on why “they” had to push psychology would of course be a way of redefining an already redefined word, psychology. WO PL 5 Oct 71) 2. you’re either trying to create or generate, handle, control and so forth, human emotion and reaction. The whole field of public relations, no matter how many little compartments it’s got is actually occupying that zone and area, and that is the subject if you’ve got to have one called psychology. (FEBC 2, 7101C18 SO I) 3. mainly used for testing aptitude or intelligence. It has counseling as part of its activities but is more concerned with and financed for warfare. (HCO PL 23 May 69
Hubbard, L. R. (1976). Modern Management Technology Defined. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization United States.
PSYCHOTHERAPY, 1. is an effort to remove neurosis and psychosis from man by immediate address to the individual and the group. (LPLS 1, 5510C08) 2. a series of processes by which the past is addressed to remedy the present or by which physical matter, such as the human brain, is rearranged (as in a prefrontal lobotomy) in order to inhibit odious conduct in present time. (Scn Jour 14-G)
Hubbard, L. R., (1975) Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization.