A process known as the Remedy of Havingness is capable of altering the weight of a man upwards of twenty to thirty-five pounds even though there is no change whatsoever in the diet or living habits of that person. […]1
Another process known as Perfect Duplication can reverse this, and, again without change of diet or the living habits of a man, decrease the amount of mass of a man without the complications of heat or waste products being present. Thus, forthrightly and directly, in the same frame of reference as that used by the physicist, it is easily demonstrated that life does create mass and can cause mass to disappear.
[…] By undertaking a study of the mind from the orientation of physics, and with the application of all the principles known in chemistry, physics and mathematics (items in which the nineteenth-century psychologist was entirely unfamiliar, and which the twentieth-century psychologist utterly disdains), it was only then possible to produce some comprehension of this thing we call life in this place we call the physical universe.
[…] When we have arrived at a state where John Jones himself knows that he is an awareness of awareness unit–it is not his mind, his body, his clothes, his house, his car, his wife or his grandparents–we have what is called a Clear. A Clear is simply an awareness of awareness unit which knows it is an awareness of awareness unit, can create energy at will, and can handle and control, erase or re-create an analytical mind or a reactive mind. (The analytical mind is the mind which thinks, observes data and resolves problems and the reactive mind is that part of the mind which is totally stimulus-response and contains all moments of pain and unconsciousness experienced by the individual.)2
- This article archived at https://web.archive.org/web/20011012163457/http://www.fundamentalscientology.com/page04.htm ↩
- Hubbard makes similar claims in Understanding the E-Meter (1982 ed., pp. 50-51). ↩