We’re seeking simply to handle the drug deposits and toxic residues in their restimulation and reinforcement of the bank, and vice versa.”
“… with these factors handled, the individual is now ready for all the spiritual gain that can be achieved in his future processing.”
Purification RD Series 5 HCOB 21 May 1980
Purification Rundown Case DataThe Mace-Kingsley Purif is hopping with kids in the sauna sweating out toxins & radiation left and right!
Contact the Registrar at Mace-Kingsley Family Center to get your child on THE BRIDGE® Classification, Gradation, and Awareness Chart […]
Mace-Kingsley Delivers the Purification Rundown
“Freedom for the child means freedom for you.”
– L Ron Hubbard, from Child Dianetics page 8— side 2 —
Purification Rundown® Success Stories
“I have had many great wins from the Purification Rundown: Heightened senses (sight, smell, hearing). The ability I have regained that means the most is my reclaimation of my memory and mental quickness… only the Purification Rundown has been able to give those back to me! Thanks!” G.R.
“I did my Purification Rundown at Mace-Kingsley when I was six years old. It was my first real step on The Bridge. Now I’m co-auditing on New Era Dianetics Rundown and I’m the Case Supervisor here at the mission. Thank you for doing what you do.” L.K.
I really enjoyed being on the Purification Rundown! I had a lot of fun in the sauna and playing games with the Purif In Charge! I also feel very light and free from drugs that restimulated me. I feel much better as a being and I can see my goals in life much more clearly!!! Thank you! Yay!” D.P. 12 yrs.
“On the Purification Rundown I realized how dull I was body-wise and while running through it I became more and more full of energy. Everything I ran out never ever came back and that surely made me feel better. When I realized I was done I felt great. I looked in the mirror and thought, ‘this is what I really look like!’ It was great!” EG.
This was such an awesome step for me, especially at this point in my life where I want to make a complete turn around and handle all that I’ve needed to handle for years. I feel so energized and ready for my next steps. I feel like myself. It’s been so long since I felt this way that I don’t remember ever feeling quite this good. Even before I did drugs I wasn’t happy and eager to get on with my life as I now am! Now my goals seem real and obtainable. I know I can do anything I put my mind to now that I’m free of the toxins that were weighing me down! M.M.B. 16 yrs.
“I feel so great now that I’ve finished the Purification Rundown. I used to get headaches; they are all gone now! A week ago I lost a bag. I could not find it anywhere! A few days ago I remembered exactly where it was and why I needed it. I remembered that it was in my jacket and in it were two library books. I looked there and that’s where it was. The Purification Rundown has made the quality of my life better. My memory has also increased and I also lose fewer things; I see more beauty in life.” J.L. 12 yrs.
“We are not concerned with handling bodies on the Purification Rundown; our concern is freeing up the individual spiritually.” -LRH HCOB25 0ctl985R
“I feel so much better now that I have finished the Purification Rundown; not only my body but just ‘me’. I feel like I can actually think faster and I got rid of some comm lag I used to have. I also feel like I can move around faster, like I am no longer carrying anything else around with me. I feel happy and healthy and it’s a great feeling.” T.P.
“I feel like I’m clean and can think more clearly. I feel 110% better than I did before I began the Purification Rundown and I no longer feel the effects of drugs in my body.” M.R.
“I’ve attained a feeling of peace & serenity. I’m happy being me. I would urge anyone to do the Purification Rundown.” J.L.B.
I now have an overall feeling of serenity. My level of awareness seems to have increased. Any personal problems that I’ve encountered lately do not overwhelm me as in the past, the problems don’t consume my thoughts.” J.L.B.
Start Now!
Terms and Definitions:
The bank: a colloquial name for the Reactive mind.
Bridge, The: the route to Clear and OT which we call the Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart. It is a term originating in early Dianetics days to symbolize travel from unknowingness to revelation.
Case Supervisor (C/S): The C/S is the auditor’s “handler”. He tells the auditor what to do, keeps the lines straight and keeps the auditor calm and willing and winning. The C/S directs what auditing actions are done for each individual preclear under his care. All case supervision is for the benefit of the preclears.
Communication (Comm) Lag: the length of time intervening between the asking of the question and the reply to that specific question.
New Era Dianetics (NED): a summary and refinement of Dianetics based upon thirty years of experience in the application of the subject.
Reactive Mind: that portion of a person’s mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis, which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions. The reactive mind is where engrams are stored.
The Purification Rundown (Purif): a special rundown (series of specific actions done on a case) designed to purify and clean out of one’s system the restimulative drug or chemical residues which could act to prevent case gain from Dianetics or Scientology processing.
Restimulation: the reactivation of an existing incident.
© 2005 Mace-Kingsley Family Center. All Rights Reserved. Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. New Era Dianetics, The Bridge, Purification Rundown, Scientology, Dianetics, NED, OT and Hubbard are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. Services relating to Scientology religious philosophy are delivered throughout the world exclusively by licensees of the Church of Scientology International with the permission of Religious Technology Center, holder of the SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS trademarks. Printed in USA.1
- Mace-Kingsley Delivers the Purification Rundown, (2005). (Advertisement). PDF format. ↩