What prevents a person from being fully in-session?1 Here you’ll discover Ron’s answer–the one factor he described as both the make-break point of sanity, and the very reason life is life, grass grows and rain falls.
But that’s just the beginning. You’ll learn the four factors that are not only prerequisite to a session, but to life itself! Here is the “Deadly Quartet”2 –the exact things which keep a being from interest in his own case, in Scientology or in all of life.
This is the magic formula you can use to revitalize anyone and get them in session–even if they’ve never heard of Scientology! Here’s tech to cut right to the core of deep-rooted apathy, revitalize anyone and bring them real help.”
In fact, Ron released this technology with just one caution–once you start using it, you’d better be prepared to start accumulating a lot of friends!
- “In-session” in this context means that the person targeted by the Scientologist is a) interested in his own case (psychological or physical condition), and b) willing to talk to the Scientologist. Definition: In Session. ↩
- The “Deadly Quartet ” is a four-part formula with which Scientologists must invade the minds and privacy of their “friends,” to get them to reveal their vulnerabilities and to sell Scientology as the solution. They then get their targets into the organization to buy and begin their Scientology brainwashing programs. Definition: Deadly quartet. ↩