Physical Evaluation Board
U. S. Naval HospitalSaint Albans, New York
27 February 1950The board met at 2:30 p.m. February 27, 1950, pursuant to an order, copy prefixed marked “A”.
Captain Edward J. Goodbody, Medical Corps, U. S. Navy
Captain Michael J. Maldnaphy, U. S. Navy
Captain Allen G. Ogden, U. S. Navy
Commander John T. Cangelosi. Medical Corps. U. S. Navy
Lieutenant Commander Joseph A. Began. U. S. Navy. members;
and Lieutenant Commander Thomas R. Andrews. U. S. Naval Reserve, recorder.Lieutenant LaFayette H. Hubbard, U. S. Naval Reserve, was authorized to appear before the Physical Evaluation Board by the Chief of Naval Personnel, copy prefixed marked “B”.
Lieutenant Hubbard waived his right to appear before the Physical Evaluation Board; copy of waiver prefixed marked “C”.
Lieutenant Hubbard has been advised by the senior member that he has the right to be represented by counsel and the right to file a rebuttal to the recommended findings of the board.
Lieutenant Hubbard, in his waiver, prefix “B”, stated he did not desire to be represented by counsel.
The precept was read by the recorder and there was no objection to any member.
The recorder stated he did not desire to call any witnesses and offered to the board for its consideration the following papers which are appended marked “1” and “2”, both of which were read.
Lieutenant Hubbard has not submitted any evidence nor made a statement.
The board was cleared.
The board was opened at 3:15 p.m., this date, and all parties to the hearing entered.
The senior member announced that the board, after deliberating on the evidence before it, decided to make the following recommended findings:
(1) That Lieutenant LaFayette R. Hubbard, U. S. Naval Reserve, be found fit to perform the duties of his rank as of 16 February 1946, the date of his release from active duty.
The senior member has advised Lieutenant Hubbard that the recommended finding of the board does not indicate what the final determination of the Secretary of the levy will be and that it was communicated to him only for the purpose of filing a rebuttal if he so desires.
Physical Evaluation Board (February 27, 1950)
Download: OMPF-LRH-03-124-125.pdf