OTL, 1. all OTLs have at this point been converted to FOLOs and CLOs. (BPL 3 Oct 72R) 2. an extension of CLOs for the CLO. (HCO PL 22 Jul 71) 3. branches of a Continental Liaison Office. (HCO PL 22 Jul 71) 4. the major purpose of a CLO or OTL is to make Flag planning become an actuality in orgs, franchises and thereby the various publics. (HCO PL 22 Jul 71) 5. the first action and primary duty of an OTL is to secure a communication line into its area. Security, speed and effectiveness of comm to and from Flag or senior base is the OTL’s first
concern. This easily extends to include missions as a form of extended comm line. The word liaison means “close bond, intercommunication.” The second and third immediate concerns of an OTL are recruitment of Sea Org members and promotion of customers for AO and SH services. (FO 2461R) 6. has specific functions such as procurement of personnel for the Sea Org, handling and routing of Advanced Course students, and other duties for the Sea Org. (FO 638) 7. a mission to facilitate comms, supplies, personnel for SO. (6805C24 SO) 8. (OT liaison) whose function is to act as a Sea Org Liaison Office. (FO 1151) 9. an extension of the Sea Org. Its purpose is to expedite Sea Org business and requirements. It is composed of a commanding officer, a supercargo and a chief officer. It may have other divisions added. (FO 745)
Hubbard, L. R. (1976). Modern Management Technology Defined. Los Angeles: Church of Scientology of California Publications Organization United States.