Because of Scientology’s global push in its Way to Happiness campaign, and immediately because of the cult’s capitalization on the Olympics here in BC to distribute the booklet to athletes and international visitors, I’m posting Flag ED 2119, the program that started the campaign in 1981. See also Gerry’s comment about the Way to Happiness and the program, on which he was assigned targets. He left the cult toward the end of 1981.1
I think operating target 66 is my favorite for what being with Ron the Messiah was really like:
66. Create a DA Kit for the Author, in case of attack on his own use of the moral code in past or present time. You will need stellar examples of his character, including anecdotes. Do not try to provide a DA for each moral, just put together a nice collection of data on LRH’s own observance of ethics conduct and the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics over many years, and include his refusal to participate in unethical practices. Arm up the PRs. This includes ensuring copies are translated.
These do not need to be overly extravagant as they are DA for when problems arise. There are other kits for general image presentation.
The text of Flag ED 2119 follows:
FLAG ED 2119 4 Feb 1981________CMO INT
DG’sTHE WAY TO HAPPINESSProperty, Production, Design & Exploitation ProgramPROGRAM INFORMATION: The property, otherwise known as “the morals booklet” is written and designed as a non religious moral code based on common sense.It will not be published by the Church or a Church related publisher. It will however be used by the Church in connection with Div 6 programs, the delivery of the Happiness Rundown, and will be made available through Church bookstores to the Scientology public. All this is in addition to, and is incidental to the broad public hand to hand’ campaign and uses of it in secular fields.Its purpose is to improve morals over the world and create a hand to hand subversion of an immoral society. It is a new game, and it is intended to start a chain reaction through society in the improvement of morals. We will let other groups take credit for doing this and we are not worried about having LRH’s name, or the Church’s name up in lights on this program.Therefore, marketing and distribution must be very cleverly done and coordinated – one area to the next.Incidentally, those on promotion lines will be very interested to know that this property very clearly fills all 9 of the Messianic buttons. The demand for such a code by the public is long term, and “happiness” is a button to be found again and again on surveys. In short, we have another winner and the value of this property and its widespread use should not be underestimated.
This program is a 1981 TOP PRIORITY CAMPAIGN, and is a coordinated effort on all fronts. Instructions for exploitation of the property have been written by LRH and are illustrated in the targets of this program but copies are also being made available to all with targets, and all those involved in strategic planning, marketing and these distribution lines.
NOTE: At this writing, production with the Publisher has already begun. Targets listed below and designated for the Publisher are not in fact orders. They are merely points already negotiated and agreeable to the publisher, and they are listed here for the benefit of all others with targets so they know what the publisher is doing. They are listed here with the Publishers permission.
PROGRAM PURPOSE: To improve morals over the world through a hand to hand campaign, and to create a new game and a new era.
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1. To prepare the manuscript for publishing, per the design instructions.
2. To get the booklet published by a non-church connected publisher.
3. To set up the distribution lines and distribute the property widely.
4. To exploit the property through PR and promotion, and excellently done distribution, starting a hand to hand chain reaction, so it becomes a roaring fad.
1. Somebody There: Snr Pers PRO as programming and property export coordinator.
a. Coordinates and supervises the preparation of the manuscript. DONE
b. Procures a publisher who is cooperative with the distribution plans. DONE
c Gets the lines set up with Publisher and distributors I/P
d. Coordinates distribution programs with the exploitation programs. ____
e. Liaison to AVC on standard application of instructions and program approvals. ____
f. Gets legal agreements in place. ____
g: Sees those who need to know have copies of the author’s instructions and definition of terms referred to in those instructions. I/P2. Worthwhile Purpose: To start a hand to hand chain reaction passing through society.
3. Somebody there taking responsibility for the area or action:
a. Snr Pers PRO:
I) Coordinator of the property planning & export. I/P
b. Pers PRO INT:
I) Coordinator of property export via IMO lines in liaison with Marketing and through Div 6s. ____
II) Creates DA materials for use about the Author and distributes these to key distribution terminals for the booklet, and PRs involved in exploiting it.___
III) Coordinates the release of the property and the Happiness RD to the Scientology Public, so that they will in turn use the booklet on the job and in society. ____
IV) Uses Scientologists as a relay to the Public at large. ____
c. Fields Exec Int:
I) Oversees the origination of and coordinates programs, using the booklet to open up new territories through hand to hand campaigns via groups, field events and other activities. ____[Page Break]
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d. CAPR:
I) Coordinates the origination of programs on G0 PR lines not to gain acceptance of the property as an Scn Property, but to demonstrate the need for such a property in society. ____
II) Does not try to get LRH’s name or Scientology’s name up in lights taking credit for this product but does see that there is circulation of the booklet amongst opinion leaders who will use it to forward their own causes and survival. ____
III) Ensures all letters, acknowledgements and documentation on the use of the property from OLs and other people is copied and circulated for use in gaining further acceptance of it.
IV) Operates on the basis that the number of mentions of the product will act as a bridge to further acceptances of other products. Credit will come back to us eventually. ____e. CASC (Social Coordinator):
I) Coordinates the origination of programs on GOSC lines. This property can be consumed and used and disseminated by almost every SC group and public. ____
II) Sees that all SC Groups incorporate the use of the booklet into their programs where they apply and that they order their books directly from the Publisher. ____f. PUBLISHER:
I) Issues copies of the booklets in packets of one doz. and these are banded. These booklets cannot be purchased individually, but are banded and purchased in packets for hand out individually. ____
II) Develops distribution lines through firms who want to purchase and distribute the booklets, and print for themselves.Essentially, the Publisher provides the market with the product, and makes it known where it can get more. Foreign translations are to be arranged by the publisher.
The following are immediate consumers to the Publisher:
WISE Members
Pubs Orgs as the distributors to the Scn Orgs and public.
Social Reform Groups
Secular mail order distribution to commercial endeavors and community groups.III) arranges for complimentary copies to be distributed to celebrities, for distribution in their names. ____
IV) Arranges for complimentary copies and mail order sales to be done to Banks, police, insurance companies directly. ____
V) Arranges for the moral code itself to be printed as a scroll, and distributed appropriately to the same target groups, if scrolls are decided to be done by marketing. ____[Page Break]
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4. Form of the Org Planned Well:
a. As above designated in Primary Target 3. ALL CONCERNED ____
b. Snr Pers PRO to issue a flow chart of distribution of the booklet to Management and GO terminals. SNR PERS PRO ____
c. All areas concerned with exploitation of the booklet keep a CIC action going of copying and distributing wins and helpful information by use of other distribution points. ALL CONCERNED ____
5. Form of the Org Held or Re-established:
a. Observance of the contractural relations, and correct distribution lines, per Org Lines above will hold the form of the Org. ALL CONCERNED ____
b. Programs and projects are to be written by seniors of each area, consistent with the author’s instructions, and with the sequence and targets on this program. ALL CONCERNED ____
c. Regular command channels for approvals, regular liaison lines for coordination. ALL CONCERNED ____
d. All involved in marketing this product to word clear the Author’s instructions, & study the booklet itself. ALL CONCERNED ____
6. Organization Channels:
a. Initial action to commence upon approval of this program. ALL WITH PRODUCTION TGTS ____
b. The booklet productiom, distribution and exploitation phases to commence and continue in synchronization in timely fashion per the operating targets. ALL CONCERNED ____
c. Coordination to be done with Senior C/S Int on issue and release of the Happiness Rundown. PERS PROS ____
d. Coordination to be done with CMO INT terminals on preparing Orgs to deliver the R/D and when they will be ready for it. PERS PROS ____
1. Keep it simple. Do the instructions and do not diverge into schemes which are additives, and which take attention off the plan outlined by the author. ALL CONCERNED ____
2. Do not underestimate the reach or importance of this program. Treat it as TOP PRIORITY. Remember that failure on your part to act on your targets could effect the campaign
internationally and others efforts. ALL CONCERNED ____[Page Break]
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3. Fully understand the built-in distribution scheme in the book. ALL CONCERNED ____
4. Do not invalidate the church in any posters or issues or sales talks. (Ref: Author instructions on this point) ALL CONCERNED ____
5. In all marketing actions, ensure that this campaign does not dead end simply because nobody can get any more books. Ensure all problems relating to this are resolved in the marketing of the booklet. ALL CONCERNED ____
1. If you run into a snag on any target on this program, do the debug steps, or query with all relevant data, or report your handling as appropriate to Snr Pers PRO. ALL CONCERNED ____
2. If you don’t know who to coordinate with, or who is working on similar projects write to Snr Pers PRO, on lines for data. ALL CONCERNED ____
3. If you observe particular success or failure with some procedure or public, write a knowledge report via seniors to Snr Pers PRO, with CC’s to those terminals listed in the Primary Targets: Snr P. PRO, Pers PRO INT, FES INT, CASC, CAPR & the Publisher. ALL CONCERNED ____
4. If you observe any bugs in the distribution line, or failures to deliver by any outlet, or the publisher, please alert the terminals in the Primary Targets: Snr Pers PRO, Pers PRO INT, FES INT, CASC, CAPR & the Publisher. ALL CONCERNED ____
1. Get the manuscript typed and over to Design. R COMPS DONE2. Do the design work. DESIGNER DONE
3. Get a Publisher lined up to publish the property. Ensure he has a dignified and established name. SNR PERS PRO DONE
4. Work out the publishing contract with the Publisher. SNR PERS PRO I/P
5. Work out with the Publisher how he will handle the financing. SNR PERS PRO I/P
6. Work out specs and distribution of the property and include these in the contracts as exhibits. SNR PERS PRO I/P
7. Finalize contract negotiations. SNR PERS PRO, PUBLISHER, ATTORNEY ____
8. Get the contract signed and notarized. SNR PERS PRO ____
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9. Work out a contract (in model form) between any other party and the Publisher, which allows others to print the booklet themselves. Arrange for royalties. SNR PERS PRO, PUBLISHER, ATTORNEY ____
10. Work out how permission is granted for reprints of the booklet in other forms, or in other publications if such offers should come to the Publisher, or LRH. SNR PERS PRO, PUBLISHER, ATTORNEY ____
11. When preliminary design is done send it to Snr Pers PRO for relay to the publisher. DESIGNER DONE
12. Get a manufacturing cost on the product. PUBLISHER I/P/u]
13. Adjust the design to cost as needed. DESIGNER DONE
14. Get approval on the design. DESIGNER. I/P
15. When final artwork and illuminations are OK’d do a rough layout and make up the manuscript. Package the whole thing with instructions for the Printers and for manufacturing. DESIGNER ____
16. Typeset the manuscript. TYPESETTER ____
17. Get it proofed 3 times. TYPESETTER ____
18. Get the shooting boards made up. DESIGNER ____
19. Deliver to the Publisher to get it printed and delivered. SNR PERS PRO ____
20. Get translations done in each of the 10 languages. French I/P Danish_____ Spanish I/P Dutch_____ Swedish_____ Norwegian_____ Italian_____ Greek_____ German_____ Hebrew_____ Other_____ PUBLISHER I/P
21. Establish the market for each. PUBLISHER ____
22. Work out the most optimum way of getting all the foreign language copies typeset. PUBLISHER ____
23. Work out the most optimum way of getting each foreign language printed & shipped. PUBLISHER ____
24. Work out ways to get the accompanying promotion printed and shipped. PUBLISHER ____
25. Liaise with PDK on orders & distribution. PUBLISHER I/P
25a. Verify by Survey if there is a demand for the code printed as a scroll. PUBLISHER ____
25b. If yes, do tgts 26-35 & 67-68. PUBLISHER & DESIGNER ____
26. [handwritten] author’s instruction on the scroll. DESIGNER[/handwritten] ____
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27. Liaising with the Publisher, get a Publisher’s note to put at the bottom of the scroll which says that the code itself was taken from a booklet, and that the booklet is available in packets of one doz. from the Publisher. DESIGNER ____
27A. Research & survey for appropriate type of paper to do the scroll on. DESIGNER AND PUBLISHER ____
28. Get it costed for posh parchment, as a possibility & other types of paper based on results of tgt 27A. PUBLISHER ____
29. Adjust design to cost. DESIGNER ____
30. Get approval from Publisher on design. DESIGNER ____
31. Do final artwork with dignified illuminations. DESIGNER ____
32. Get the code typeset. PUBLISHER ____
33. Get it proofed. PUBLISHER ____
34. Get the shooting boards made up. PUBLISHER ____
35. Get it printed. PUBLISHER ____
36. Issue a flow chart illustrating the distribution lines, and basic outlets for the booklet. Inform appropriate management and GO terminals. SNR PERS PRO ____
37. When costing is completed by the Publisher, issue the cost of the booklet broadly. SNR PERS PRO ____
38. Alert Pubs Orgs to place orders with the Publisher. PUBS PGMS CHIEF ____
39. Publish the name and address of the publisher for SC groups, and WISE members so they know where to order from. DG SC WW, WISE I/C ____
40. Collect data regarding HUD (Housing & Urban Development) per the instructions from the G0. SNR PERS PRO RES ____
41. Collect key data and statistics which supports the public demand for such a moral code i.e.: Crime statistics, child abuse statistics, crime in schools, drugs in schools, divorce rates, etc. Any data which illustrates the need for such a code base on common sense.
FLAG ED 2119
42. Send this to Marketing IMO for use in putting together the sales kits. SNR PERS PRO RES ____
43. Add to the above data collection, the results of a survey which demonstrates the public demand for such a reform of morals in society. Do a battery of surveys per Mkting Series 3 & 4. Make your results available to all key terminals in the PTs iucluding the Publisher. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
44. From the data in 42 & 43 and from the Publisher put together a sales kit. Include in the kit the following:
a. Survey data which expresses demand for such a property.
b. Statistics of the world which express the demand.
c. A sales talk, which includes a handling for criticism of the church without being defensive, and includes all the pertinent points from the Author’s instructions.
d. Prices of the booklets including price lists for volume sales.
e. Data about commissions for volume sales. (Staff members should get a commission from the Church since they are not agents of the Publisher. Field Auditors, Hon. Pers PROs, can be sales reps of the Publisher directly and can receive commissions direct.) This data is being finalized and will be sent you by the Publisher.
f. A copy of the booklet itself, stamped “sample”.
g. An order form which is 3 ply (self carboned). The order form must have provision for 3 types of orders. (see tgt 69.)I) An order of any size which the Church Bookstore can fill. Such an order is made out with:
1 copy sent to the Bookstore Officer.
1 copy sent to the Customer, who sends or brings in his slip with funds.
1 copy is retained in Div 6 of the Org. The slip is Church Property and is the record of the staff member who took the person’s order. A sales commission can be received by the staff member from the Org.II) An order of such volume that it should be sent directly to the Publisher to fill. In this case the order is made out with:
1 copy to the Publisher
1 copy to the Customer (who sends his funds plus his copy of the order to the Publisher).
1 copy is retained by the Church for followup. A sales commission on such an order would be sent to the Org who would in turn see that the staff member received a sales commission.III) An order of volume where the customer wants to reprint the booklet for his own purposes and with his own design, or wish his company name on the front. In this case, he is again put in touch with the Publisher sending:
1 copy to the Publisher
1 copy to the customer, telling him to send his slip to the Publisher and that further negotiations on printing by the customer or printing of the customers name on the booklet will be taken up by the Publisher only.
1 copy is retained by Div 6.[Page Break]
FLAG ED 2119
Again the commission would be calculated separately and forwarded to the Org, who would in turn give a commission to the staff member responsible for the order.
h. Instructions on how to use the kit.
i. Full instructions as to how anyone at any level who gets a copy of the booklet can get more copies, so that the whole campaign does not dead end simply because nobody can get more books. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
45. When you have your sales kit designed, and costed, get it approved. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
46. When approval received, do your final artwork & layout. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
47. Get your sales kit priced up. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
48. Liaise with Pers PRO INT on sending it out with her program. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
49. When you have your approved sales kit – get it translated into the different languages. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
50. Make a copy of your kit available to the Publisher, for his own printing and distribution to sales reps working in the field on commission: (i.e., FSMs, Social Reform groups, etc.) MARKETING SEC IMO ____
51. Distribute your sales kits to all PROs and Div 6s and Missions. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
52. Get a date when the booklets will be printed and shipped from the Publisher, for initial orders. SNR PERS PRO ____
53. Inform all those terminals in the Primary Targets SNR PERS PRO ____54. Plan the Org release date based on this information and synchronize it with information from David Mayo on when the Happiness RD can be released in Orgs. Liaise with Management terminals and come up with a date for the release which is real and workable. PERS PRO INT IN LIAISON ____
55. Write simple, doable release event programs for the Orgs to release the booklets and rundown. Follow the instructions of the author in any posters and ads promoting such. PERS PRO INT IN LIAISON WITH MARKETING SEC IMO ____
56. Inform all key terminals in the Primary Targets, of the Org release event date. PERS PRO INT ____
57. Make sure Pubs Orgs are filling orders from Orgs. PUBS PGMS CH ____
58. Make sure Pubs Orgs are also filling orders to Missions. PUBS PGMS CHIEF ____
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59. Announce to WISE groups that they can order and receive booklets directly from the Publisher. This announcement is in addition to any promotion they will receive directly from
the Publisher. WISE I/C ____60. Announce to SC groups that they can order these booklets directly from the Publisher. This announcement is in addition to any promotion they will receive directly from the
Publisher. DG SC WW ____61. Arrange for GO PRs in Orgs to be able to get copies of the booklets at cost. This is for their hand out to OLs and PR contacts, and is entirely separate from them receiving their sales kits. T/DG PR WW, PUBS PGMS CH ____
62. Assist the Publisher in the procurement of mailing lists. These will be used for sales, and recruitment of sales reps in the field. KEY TERMINALS IN THE PTs ____
63. Do a promotional campaign to procure sales reps. Offer commissions on volume orders. PUBLISHER ____
64. Send those who respond and wish to become sales reps their sales kits, and sample booklets. Include with this promotion for the sale of the scroll itself. PUBLISHER ____
65. Work out the Pubs Promotional campaign, and make sure that posters and ads are consistent with the instructions on promotion. That includes Posters, Ads and any concessions
such as THE WAY TO HAPPINESS T-shirts, bumper stickers or any other promotional gimmick. PUBS PGMS CH, PUBS MARKETING____66. Create a DA Kit for the Author, in case of attack on his own use of the moral code in past or present time. You will need stellar examples of his character, including anecdotes. Do not try to provide a DA for each moral, just put together a nice collection of data on LRH’s own observance of ethics conduct and the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics over many years, and include his refusal to participate in unethical practices. Arm up the PRs. This includes ensuring copies are translated.
These do not need to be overly extravagant as they are DA for when problems arise. There are other kits for general image presentation. PERS PRO INT ____
67. If scrolls are made, send copies of the scroll with large orders of booklets as a complimentary copy along with promotion to sell more. PUBLISHER ____
68. If scrolls are made, send promotion on the scrolls to selected target groups who would be most likely to post such a thing publicly, along with offers for sale of the booklet as well. PUBLISHER ____
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69. Write a campaign for Div 6’s to exploit the Booklet in their Org’s community. Suggested title: Church of Scientology, Community Campaign for Happiness.
The campaign is to follow the guidelines below:
a. They must buy their bookets via the HCO Book Account and through the Org to Pubs Orgs who are acting as distributors to the Scn public.
b. The position they take in their campaign is in forwarding their religious purposes and aims. They are not agents for the Publisher, and staff members do not receive a commission from the Publisher, but rather from the Church. The Org’s name gets stamped on the back.
c. Monies from the sales of packages of booklets go to the Bookstore.
d. They can sell to any public, but target groups for the Church Div 6’s should be community betterment groups. i.e., Boy Scouts, YMCA, Parent & Teacher Associations, Police groups, Public service groups, etc.
e. They should be equipped with their sales kits and copies of THE WAY TO HAPPINESS, and any other sales promotion or gimmicks sent them by Pubs Orgs.
f. The booklet is NOT to be used as a street handout dissemination piece, but copies can be given out selectively with the Org’s name stamped on the front and back.
g. There should be room enough in their programs for them to appear at community groups and give public talks about the current demand in the community for such a moral code of common sense. Copies of the booklet could be given or sold at such events. PERS PRO INT ____
70. Supervise the Div 6 Campaigns per the instructions. PERS PRO INT ____
71. Write a campaign for Hon. Pers PROs to sell the booklets in their communities. They can be sales reps of the Publisher directly and support their activities by working from commission. This is a program which only needs sanction from you as their terminal. You do not need to supervise them as such, but encourage them to contact target groups such as Banks, Police, Insurance companies, schools, etc. They can use their contacts in business or go door to door canvassing. Where possible it would be a good idea to hold seminars. (EU & UK) PERS PRO INT, PERS PROS ____
72. Get busy on a sales campaign of the Happiness Rundown to Scientologists. MARKETING SEC IMO ____
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73. Write a program for groups to hold seminars in their community. Prepared speeches should be sent to them for use. These can be written from data in the sales kit, and the author’s instructions, and expanded upon according to the specific target group they are dealing with. Have them put their individual name or group names on the booklets they hand out, and sell them only in the packets of 12. They can work on sales commission directly from the publisher on volume orders, and thereby support this activity.
Their program must give them freedom to either work on a soap box or sell door to door. Hold seminars where possible to get them started. FES INT ____
74. Program the use of this booklet and the companion sales kit from the Publisher demonstrating how the psychs are tearing down moral standards in society. Using CCHR distribute this booklet to allies indicating that through use of it they can help others on the road to survival. DG SC WW ____
75. Program the use of the booklet for Education groups for distribution and consumption by Parents, children & teachers, to combat the community problems facing these groups in society. (criminality in schools, the need for guidance counselling between parents and children, etc.) This activity can he supported through ordering booklets directly from the Publisher, and distributing them with their groups name on them as well as getting commissions on volume sales. (This data available from the Publisher.) DG SC WW ____
76. Program the usage of the booklet through Narconons. Have them get their copies direct from the Publisher, and support their campaigns through selling the booklets for volume use through prisons, police, social workers, probation officers, social boards who fund addicts, judges, and any other arm of society involved in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. DG SC WW ____
77. Program the use of this booklet through Criminons, as above in 76. DG SC WW ____
78. Program the use of this booklet for PRs to use in their opinion leader contacts to get the booklets into the hands of Community Leaders and used. PR Gases can sell the booklets in volume and support their activities through sales commissions from the publisher. They can use their sales kits supplied them for demonstrating the need for a non religious code based on common sense which all people can accept. The idea is to get Opinion Leaders forwarding their own cause and enhancing their own survival by giving and recommending use of the booklet to others. T/DG PR WW ____
79. Make sure your PRs receive and use where necessary the DA kits on the author to be supplied by Pers PRO INT. T/DG PR WW ____
80. Ensure that any PR slogans or mottos used on GO Posters are consistent with the instructions for posters and ads. That includes ads in Freedom and any other publications.
T/DG PR WW, DG SC WW ____[Page Break]
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81. Arrange for complimentary copies of the booklet to go to TOP celebrities with their own names printed on the front in the FROM: space. Encourage them to hand them out. These free copies are a gift from the Publisher. PUBLISHER ____
82. In liaison with FES INT, and CC’s around the world get Celebrities contacted and programmed up to distribute these booklets in their own name. They can support this program through sales commissions from volume sales. Write the programs for Celebrities, and distribute copies to CC’s for their use and supervision. Pers PRO INT ____
Compliance reports on tgts done with evidence attached to Snr Pers PRO. ALL CONCERNED ____
2. THE ORGS RELEASE 2½ months
4. 1 Million copies printed and distributed 1 Year
5. 5 Million copies printed and distributed by the end of 1982.
Lt. Cmdr Laurel Sullivan
Snr Pers PRO
for and in liaison with all
with targets
Authorized by
approved by
for the
of the
- Posted to: ↩