Mace-Kingsley Family Center Newsletter
Letter from the Senior Case Supervisor
Hello! Welcome to the 43rd installment of ‘Letter from the Case Supervisor.” Once again, I’m Greg Smith, Senior Case Supervisor of Mace-Kingsley Family Center.
Boy! Do I have a good reference for all of you parents out there. This is from doing the Basic Books, which I hope all of you are availing yourself of, because they are killer! It really is the basics and the foundation of Scientology and let me tell you, you will experience latent gains from your auditing, your data of Scientology will align for you, you’ll feel more OT and on and on and on, it is simply amazing.
Now for the specific reference: This is a simple tool LRH gives as an aside from Advanced Procedures & Axioms Books & Lectures Course, from the lecture series “Thought, Emotion & Effort” (2nd box, disc 3, page 50 of transcript, 4th pp) He says:
“A two year old child is very intelligible on the substance of groups, his family and what he wants to do, on Father’s part, and so forth, if you can get into communication with him. Grown ups very seldom try. They say, ‘Choochie-coochie, have a piece of candy.’ Little kid goes wandering off, he doesn’t have words to fit exactly what he’s thinking about. But if you just sit down with him and try to talk to him and let him talk down to you a little bit, you’ll learn some amazing things. But that’s, by the way, a trick: let him talk down to you.”
Now when I heard this I went, “Whoa boy! Hold your horses. Let’s hear that again!” “Let him talk down to you.” What an amazing, simple piece of tech to apply to your kids to raise his awareness, tone level, responsibility, the works: “let him talk down to you.” It’s so simple, but who does it? The next time your kid is arguing with you or raising Cain, take him aside and sit down with him and really get in communication with him and really let him talk down to you. Try it! It’s amazing.
Here is an example:
Child: “Wahh!”
Parent: “What’s happening?”
Child: “I can’t figure this out.”
Parent: “Oh, tell me about it.” (Stressing letting him talk down to you, explain it to you so that you understand.)
Ok–nice eh? There are gems throughout these lectures and Basic books that will change your life. Get to work on them and reap the benefits.
OK! Signing off once again. Do stay in communication with any questions regarding your kids or anything for that matter. And I hope to see you all soon!
Greg Smith
Mace-Kingsley 1
Smith, G., (2007). Letter from the Senior Case Supervisor. Mace-Kingsley Family Center Newsletter, 43, 1.
- “To talk down to” is to talk in a way that shows your superiority; to speak in a condescending or oversimplified fashion with the false assumption that the listener is altogether ignorant of the matter involved.
This is how Hubbard wanted to all Scientologists to deal with wogs. It is exactly how Hubbard’s messengers were programmed to deal with others. It is how Scientology’s spokespersons have always dealt with wog media. The cult is programming little sociopaths.
Greg Smith’s example of getting a child to “explain it to you so that you understand” is not the child talking down to you. Scientologists universally don’t explain Scientology or its concepts so that you understand; they talk down to you. ↩