A Scientologist, flown in by John Travolta, touches an injured Haitian girl as part of the group’s ministry mission. Faith leaders in Haiti are upset by a stampede of evangelicals, Scientologists and others out to convert traumatized children while offering food and shelter.
Beauvoir, alarmed by the arrival of ministers from the Church of Scientology 1 as well as aid workers from Pat “Pact-with-Satan,” Robertson’s group, accused American evangelists of “trying to buy souls” with “some little cakes that they’ve brought,” Mackey writes.2
New York Times blogger Robert Mackey points out today 3 that not only Catholics are concerned about the evangelical stampede for orphans — or any child not standing next to a parent. 4
- See also: Travolta flies aid, Scientology to Haiti ↩
- See: Robertson’s Charity on the Ground in Haiti (2010) ↩
- See: Road From Haiti Was Paved With Good Intentions, American Baptists Say ↩
- Retrieved from: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/Religion/post/2010/02/scientology-pat-robertson-group-out-to-save-haitians-body-and-soul-/1 ↩