A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where Man is free to rise to greater heights are the aims of Scientology.” – L. Ron Hubbard
The dream was born out of the now world famous Clearwater Neighborhood Campaign. As Clearwater Scientologists canvassed the streets [missing text] lived, locating others who had fallen off The Bridge for whatever reason, their care and compassion gave way to a Basics-infused rebirth of the Clearwater field. As the hundreds on the Basics grew to thousands, the questions all boiled down to one rhetorical statement, “How far can we go?” For if the Basics form the foundation of The Bridge as the very essence of Scientology, it was time to extend that Bridge out into society.
The Captain FSO first ventured the notion at a Captain’s Field Briefing, challenging local OTs and Neighborhood teams to once again set the example for our religious movement. “What would it take to create an Ideal Scientology Community here in Clearwater? We set the example that other orgs and fields work to emulate, so it’s up to us to show that it can be done,” said the Captain FSO, Mr. Harvey Jacques.
“We’ve got to handle drugs, crime and illiteracy in our surrounding area. We have the solutions. So if we don’t do it, who’s going to?”
The ripples started to flow out within hours of the Captain’s Briefing.
“The whole concept just made so much sense to me,” said one Neighborhood I/C.1 “I wasn’t looking at it from that perspective before, but it’s time for all of us to get very busy.” And get busy they did.
On an immediate basis, the Neighborhood I/Cs intensified their efforts to get Scientologists through the Basics, more than tripling the number of full Basics completions within a few weeks. And as more and more Scientologists progressed through the lineup, they turned their efforts outward to take on vital projects to build this community.
From there it was a Neighborhood Organizing Board and hats to channel the efforts of more than 500 local OT Committee Members and leading Scientologists in the area to make our presence felt more than ever.
“The Basics have also made a huge difference in the field here,” says OT Committee Chairman Kaye Champagne. “I see people getting more active as they get more and more LRH. We have new members coming to our meeting every week. They just show up and join. This was not the way it was before the Basics. The Basics are creating an Ideal Field right here in Clearwater!”
Today Clearwater is home to dozens of missions, groups and social betterment programs all using LRH Tech as stable points in the local environment. And while there is much to be done to eradicate the many societal plagues for good, the anchor points for a social infrastructure of productivity and understanding are rapidly falling into place. 2,
3, 4, 5
- I/C: “In charge,” meaning the person in charge of an activity. ↩
- Source 200 (42-47) (2008). PDF format. ↩
- The chart posted behind the podium, titled “NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZING BOARD,” represents the organizational structure and activities of Scientology’s neighborhood campaign in Clearwater, Florida, known as Scientology’s “Mecca of Technical Perfection.” The chart appears to be a standard “seven division organizing board” as given in Hubbard’s administrative policies. The post overall responsible for the Neighborhood Campaign is “Groups Officer FSO,” who manages the program through the Flag OT Committee. OT Committees come under Department 18C “Department of Success.” The “Valuable Final Product” (VFP) of this department is “Members actively applying Scientology towards the creation of a new civilization.” (Ref.: OEC Vol VI (1991 ed., p. 22)4.) ↩
- The VFPs the Scientologists seek through the execution of their program include: “…Neighborhood projects financed and completed,”Income and assets accounted for and utilized,” “Scientologists moving through the Basics and up the Bridge,” “Completed community projects which increase public goodwill,” “Earned Certificates and Awards,” “Active Scientologists,” and “Public allied to our programs.” ↩
- The “New Civilization Officer,” under the far right column, is the “Liaison to other groups: VM, WISE, ABLE, I HELP, Missions, CCHR, Honorary PROs, Human Rights, Drug-Free World, IAS.” The overall VFP of the Neighborhood Campaign is “… Neighborhood actively applying Scientology toward the creation of a new civilization.” ↩