for as long as planets swing and suns shine.
The IAS is not just a key component in the greater machinery for Planetary Clearing, IT IS THE ENERGY ITSELF.1
Tonight we take an OT Summit perspective on what it means to unite, advance, support and protect the Scientology religion. Accordingly, we take a mid-term review of IAS -sponsored programs to shore up this civilization, so there yet remains a world on which to build a new one.
Thus we will consider our global campaigns to clear the ground of suppression, to slay the plagues of Man, to ensure the rights of Man and to take the next decisive step in global dissemination.
Let’s frame it as follows: If you’ve heard it before, it nonetheless bears repeating. The IAS is not just a key component in the greater machinery for Planetary Clearing, it is the energy itself.
It’s the emergency triage to keep this world from hemorrhaging. It’s the heavy equipment for wiping out suppression. It’s the megaphone for the multitudes who would not otherwise be heard. It’s what allows us to play on the big game court with Ideal Organizations at cultural epicenters of strategic importance to our religion as a whole. And even more than that, it provides the wherewithal to crown the top of our Bridge with Advanced Organizations in every continental zone.
All this and more depends upon the IAS.
Because the IAS is how we guarantee the future of Scientology, for as long as planets swing and suns shine.
So while you’ve also heard it before, it too bears repeating. We are making a bid to salvage this planet. We are in it for the long haul and however long it takes. We’re bound and determined, no matter the odds. We will never flag, never falter.
For no matter what, and come what may, WE ARE THE IAS!2