Mr & Mrs Dissemination
Bob and Leslie Beilhart have been disseminating LRH tech in consulting groups for close to 20 years. A perfect dissemination couple, they are star players in the Prescott Group, the WISE-licensed consulting group in Orange County, California.
Bob has always been on the frontlines reaching out to new business people and introducing them to LRH tech. He has personally introduced more than 2000 business owners to LRH admin tech. “I love this job, I witness each clients first cognition on the genius of LRH.”
Leslie’s role has always been later on the line. In sorting out a person’s business life, its almost inevitable that personal problems surface. What to do? Major consulting groups encounter this so much that rather than ignore those factors ruining a client’s personal life, they have a staff dedicated to correctly refer clients to the LRH service which addresses their ruin1 at their local Church of Scientology. This is Leslie’s role at the Prescott Group.
“Our line is simple. Firstly it’s vital that clients have an ethical approach to life– without it they won’t apply and truly benefit from LRH admin tech. Thus clients train on ethics courses such as the Ups and Downs in Life course2, 3 and the Personal Integrity course. We then test them and based on the test profile provide a 10-day training program. It’s during these first courses on ethics that we see those personal factors which often are crippling the client. We recommend a Tone Scale Seminar and then an introductory service such as a Dianetics Seminar at the local Church. Many sign up for further services. I keep a very tight line in with the client and the local church, ensuring their personal ruins are handled. In the last two years we’ve referred more than 400 clients to Churches of Scientology. The clients love it and do much better in business, which helps us do our job. I also always keep our staff informed of the wins of clients in their personal lives–it’s great seeing our clients win!
They Started with Us!
Winning clients of consultants inevitably reach for more LRH tech, when that happens so do stories like this.
After 25 years I thought I’d seen it all as regards management help. Then I did a series of courses by L Ron Hubbard with the Prescott consulting group. I learned to manage by statistics. They drilled me on all the management techniques. I bought an Organization Executive Course Volume Zero. I was amazed at this magic book that always opened to exactly the page I needed to read.
Some months into the program Bob Beilhart discovered that my office manager was about to quit; this would have been a disaster. Bob put us in communication and helped us to solve the problem then and there. That action was worth the program. Robin decided to keep her job of 16 years and I asked her to marry me. She said “Yes!” Now that is how to keep good help at the office!
After I took the courses and found out what a great effect they had on me, my patients and my office, I started looking for more of the same. Bob referred me to the Church of Scientology Los Angeles. I got Scientology auditing and more courses. During this time I was the scoutmaster in my son’s boy scout troop. I used some of the good technology I learned to grow the scout troop from 35 to 120 scouts. Today we have one of the most successful scouting programs in the country-producing 2000 merit badges in two years. We graduate about 30% Eagle scouts-the national average is 2%.
My wife also started courses at the Church of Scientology. About that time my son was getting straight Fs in school. He was evaluated by the school psychologist as ADHD. Robin started working with him everyday after school. He was in bad shape but with the study skills she’d learned, she quickly got him up to speed and through over 30 missed assignments. Now he’s a better than average student and enjoys school. He’s in the 8th grade and winning. Robin and LRH tech saved a kid with a brilliant mind from a system that knows nothing of the student who’s different from the bland idiots they’re used to creating.
I could have stopped reaching for a better life when I was making more money but my consulting group showed me that there is more to life. I don’t type fast enough or express myself well enough to tell you the wins and achievements I’ve had. – S.S 4