The primary reason WISE was established was to see to it that Scientology organizations, their staff and their public, are kept safe from individuals involved in unethical business practices.All WISE members contribute to this purpose by agreeing to the Code of a WISE Member, which includes points to keep ethics in on themselves and those around them, as well as refraining from using a church’s lines or premises for personal financial gain.
While keeping ethics in on one’s peers is a responsibility of all WISE members, Charter members take this to a higher level, with their first and foremost duty being to corral up and handle business disputes in their area so these do not distract from the vital mission being carried out by their local Church of Scientology.
To that end, the first ever Confront of Evil Conference was held in New York for Charter members in the Eastern United States.
The conference was a no-nonsense period of intense study and drilling of key references on ethics, and what it means to be a WISE member and Charter member.
The tone of the event was set by opening with the 2004 International Association of Scientologists Event video featuring Mr. Tom Cruise, the first Freedom Medal of Valor winner in Scientology history.
Studying and Drilling
A complete pack of materials was presented to each attendee including the Code of a WISE Member, the membership agreement with WISE, and various HCO Policy Letters on the subject of ethics.
They were then drilled on the application of what they had studied after each portion of theory study.
Drills included such things as pulling a string* based on something not understood. This was actually a practical assignment and attendees pulled strings on each other.
Another drill the attendees did was to use the Code of a WISE Member to sign up or recover a WISE member. Not one of the attendees had ever used this approach before, but were very excited about the idea of bringing about a change in the beingness of a person as a Scientologist in business and WISE member, through standard enlightenment on WISE.
They also did Chinese School on “E/O [Ethics Officer] Conduct” from HCO PL, THE ETHICS OFFICER, HIS CHARACTER.
After the Weekend
Just about everyone realized that they themselves needed to improve their own ethical behavior, and also spotted others back home that they wanted to apply their new knowledge and skill to. They didn’t wait to get back home to start, though. They started then and there to confront and handle out-ethics situations.
So not only did everyone learn a lot, they also had a great time, with high morale from the hard work and stiff targets they completed over the weekend.
And to top it off, Wendy Patten of Long Island decided to become a Sea Org member as a WISE Inspector. She signed up without comm lag and will arrive in a few weeks
Success Stories
“I have a new reality on what it takes to persevere and get the desired product. Confronting evil is not always a fun activity, but vitally necessary to ensure our Church is buffered and protected from the covertly hostile and suppressive persons. I have a new level of confront and refreshed purpose.” – R.M.
“Selling WISE on a ‘beingness’ basis was excellent and it’s cool because we will have agreement up front that they are going to be ethical. This will be really helpful. We’ll be making a lot more ‘players.’ Plus — it’s granting that guy beingness, that he’s going to be in agreement with this. This is great – thanks.” – K.W.
“There have been several things covered that mean a lot to me. Looking at the Code again rejuvenated those purposes to become a greater success and a better example, and to apply more fully the admin tech. Also, helping others to improve their situations by getting them to confront their scene and the results of it.” – J.H.
“What I really loved about this conference is that it’s really gotten me to look at my own self as a WISE member and business owner and what it means to be a Charter member. I think the hat of a Charter member will force me, or pull me rather, up to a higher level on my other posts. This is a very good thing. This is a very ethical and worthwhile group. I can really see how we can assist the org and support our Church in its vital expansion.” – A.G.
The response from the Confront of Evil Conference has been the most instantaneous and most dramatic of any previous WISE conference held in the Eastern US.
Many of the attendees have now taken on more responsibility as Charter members and assumed posts such as the Ethics Officer of the committee.
Their eyes were opened to situations in their areas needed to be confronted and handled and they started right away.
The second Confront of Evil Conference has also now been held in New York for those who missed the first one. These conferences will be held in every continental zone. Contact your local WISE office for dates and locations. This is something you don’t want to miss!
[Inset:] I promise to take responsibility to protect Scientology Churches from distraction, disruption or misuse of their lines or personnel. – Code of a WISE Member1
- Charter Committees Toughen Up, (2005). wise at work, 2, 24. Retrieved on 10 March 2010 from ↩