Auditing & Ability by L. Ron Hubbard
“The purpose of the auditor is to increase the ability of the preclear.” – L. Ron Hubbard
Scientology is applied in many ways to many fields. One particular and specialized method of application of Scientology is its use on individuals and groups of people in the eradication of physical problems deriving from mental states and the improvement of their abilities and intelligence. By processing is meant the verbal exercising of an individual (preclear) in exact Scientology processes. There is a great deal of terminology and precision in these processes and their use, and they are not combinable with older mental activities such as psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, yoga, massage, etc. However, these processes are capable of addressing or treating the same ills of the mind as are delineated by older methodology, with the addition that Scientology is alone in its ability to successfully eradicate those psychosomatic problems to which it is addressed. It is the only science or study known which is capable of uniformly producing marked and significant increases in intelligence and ability. Scientology processing, among other things, can improve the intelligence quotient of an individual, his ability or desire to communicate, his social attitudes, his capability and domestic harmony, his fertility, his artistic creativity, his reaction time and his health.1
- Hubbard, L. R., (2001) Auditing and Ability. Validity, 352, 3. ↩