Celebrating their seventh year serving the people of their community, Mission Holder Kathy Feshbach1 welcomed Mr. Harvey Jacques, Captain Flag Service Organization, the Mayor of Belleair Bluffs and over 100 local Scientologists at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newly-expanded Church of Scientology, Mission of Belleair.
The Mission first opened its doors in June 2001 and has since become the fastest-growing mission in the Eastern United States—and for four years running. In that time, they have started more than 1,100 new people on The Bridge and sold over 65,000 LRH books.
Belleair Mission’s expanded quarters include 1,200 additional square feet of space, including eight auditing rooms, a new film room and double their previous course room capacity.
As LRH said in 1982, “More than any group, Missions can and do have a direct effect of the speed at which planetary clearing takes place.” As a key anchor point in Clearwater’s Scientology community, Belleair Mission is poised to do just that. 2, 3