My middle son, who has been doing very well as a radio and TV actor, has gotten himself linked up with this myth of a science – and where his “Common sense” has gone, I can’t imagine!
The so-called “Art” is labelled “Scientology” and at one time was called “Dianetics” – the head of it is an old guy supposedly named ‘Ronald Hubbard’ – and I heard just a little of his chatter on a tape recording wherein he ‘griped’ about our Government, its lack of this and that, and comments unfavorable about it until I became so irked that I just walked out of the place. His methods are now being given thru the guise of some sort of “religious” ideas — they even send their so-called students diplomas indicating they are some sort of “Divinity students” …… gosh, I am not sure what they think they are doing, but they even try healing methods, and that sort of thing — and work on the minds of their clientele — which I think is terribly wrong!! As in the case of my son — who had a normal home life — was brought up all right in a moderate American home — sang in the choir, and all that sort of thing! We were decent living people, having fun in a general way as is usual with so many of us, and now to know of this type of thing — it just is too bad!
Letter: [?] to Senator Bridges (February 21, 1957)
File/Ref. No.: 62-94080
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